February 24th, 2008

[info]wingedrivers in [info]1x1_roleplay

Name: WingedRivers, or Winged if you like. ^.^

Platform: Anything really.
Plays: Original Rps, I specialize in the homosexual and fantasy types.
Position: I'm a place hitter. *laughs* I can do most anything.
Rating: I can Rp from PG to XXX or what have you.
Type: I love mostly Character Interaction ones or PWPs. Plot Rps are good too, but can drag on a bit to me...
Tense and POV: I Rp in past/present tense, second person.

Things I don't want in a partner or roleplay: Incredibly horrible spelling/grammar, God moding, stereotype characters, and incredible!uke types.
Things I want in a partner or roleplay: I'd like to have a homosexual relationship... between our characters. *laughs* Seriously though, I'm looking forward to meeting someone who wants to roleplay with me.

Strengths: Character-type and dialogue
Weaknesses: Incredibly involving worlds that require me to essentially do story-telling.

Fandoms: I don't fandom Rp.

[If any]

Favorite Themes and Genres: Gah, these are gonna be embarrassing... I love High School settings and summer camp type. I'm also smitten with a small fantasy town. My genre is mostly straight/homosexual. I'm also a big fan of military Rps (not in a gay way, surprisingly. I think my general character would kill me if I did that).

Disliked Themes and Genres: I loathe vampire Rps. I mean, if you have a vampire character and they're ANYTHING but the stereotype, then kudos. I'll give it a shot. But otherwise, I don't like how incredibly dark and angsty their world is. It gets tiring a lot. That and super kiddy stuff.

Interested in at the moment: I'm interested in role playing with someone who wouldn't mind getting their freak on with a nice Southern boy...

Sample Post:

My nice Southern boy performs for your entertainment... )

Comments/Last Words: I really hope I find someone who's looking for the things I'm looking for. It'd be great!

Contact Information

  1. AIM:
  2. WingedRivers
  3. MSN:
  4. vehementagony@hotmail.com
  5. YIM:

  6. Other:

  7. Email:
  8. wingedrivers@gmail.com

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