12 Days of ... - March 20th, 2008
Holidays Challenge

User: [info]12daysof (posted by [info]ex_kaycee154)
Date: 2008-03-20 02:24
Subject: Time Changes Everything
Security: Public
Tags:harry potter, kaycee:harry/draco

Title: Time Changes Everything
Author: [info]kaycee
Pairing: Harry/Draco (Ginny/Blaise, past Harry/Ginny, past Draco/OFC).
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1082
Warnings: AU-ish. Fluff. Mild DH spoilers.
Summary: Albus Potter ponders on the news he just received from his dad.
A/N: The Potterverse is JKR's, not mine.
Table: here. This is for the prompt "nuts".

Time Changes Everything.

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