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February 2013

User: [info]natt_barn
Date: 2010-03-20 18:25
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:author: natt_barn, fandom: magic kaito, pairing: saguru/kaito(kaitou kid)

Disclaimer: I do not own Magic Kaito.
Title: One, two, three. Four.
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: Implied threesome.
Rating: pg
Word Count: 873
Summary: It can be a three way game.


Disclaimer: I do not own Magic Kaito, or Detective Conan, or Petshop of Horrors.
Title: Danger
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: Crossover with Petshop of Horrors
Rating: pg
Word Count: 1559
Summary: Sometimes, you know it's best to just leave things alone.


One to go.^^

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