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February 2013

User: [info]von_uberwald
Date: 2009-04-16 13:09
Subject: GREYS [OC/OC (Valdemar); #10 Writer's Choice, PG]
Security: Public
Mood:sore sore
Tags:author: von_uberwald, character: oc, fandom: valdemar

Title:  Greys
Author:  [info]von_uberwald
Summary: The beginning of a new life in the Collegium. OMG GEN!FIC!? NOT.
Pairing: OC/OC
Table, Prompt: Table 9 [link #10 Writer's Choice
Rating: PG
Warnings: None for now.


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User: [info]von_uberwald
Date: 2009-03-08 22:02
Subject: OC/OC, Valdemar, #03 Living, PG-13
Security: Public
Mood:tired tired
Tags:author: von_uberwald, character: oc, fandom: valdemar

Title: Clouds Above the Water
Summary: Morning with the bodyguard of a prince of Ceejay and his passing thoughts.
Pairing: OC/OC
Table, Prompt: #03 Living
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some passing mention of male/male sexual situations
A/N: In main body of fic.
Words: 469


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