10prompts - A challenge community - August 4th, 2010
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dani_meows posting in 10prompts - 10 prompts to get writing again
User: [info]10prompts (posted by [info]dani_meows)
Date: 2010-08-04 22:15
Subject: Doctor/Rose, Doctor Who, Prompt: breakfast, PGish
Security: Public
Mood:nerdy nerdy

Title: Silly Human Rituals
Summary:Their routine was the same everyday. At precisely 9am on the clock that the Doctor kept around for his human companions, Rose would shamble into the kitchen and pour a cup of tea before slumping down in her chair.
Pairing:Doctor/Rose, Ten/Rose
Table, Prompt:Table 8:Breakfast
Warnings:Fluff that turns into a dose of angst waffles again. Contains spoilers for Doomsday.
A/N: Angst waffles with emo syrup
Beta: betaed by me a few weeks after I wrote it.

Silly Human Rituals

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