October 10th, 2007

[info]mozarts_sonnet in [info]10_rpscenes

Dark Angel (Rachel/Alec) HW #4

Title: A little Tender loving care
Authors: Rachel/Alec ([info]mozarts_sonnet and [info]alec)
Characters: Rachel and Alec
Fandom: Dark Angel
Theme Set:
Theme(s): 27 - Naughty
Warnings and Notes: (Contains slight sexual things, nothing full out blown. It's not NC-17, but I will rate this R.

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[info]mozarts_sonnet in [info]10_rpscenes

Dark Angel (Rachel/Alec) HW #4

Title: Dinner
Authors: Rachel/Alec (with our friend Mandi)
Characters: Rachel/Alec (with Ben)
Fandom: Dark Angel
Theme Set: hw4
Theme(s): 003 Anxiety
Warnings and Notes: RP scene done with our friend who agreed to help with the scene and gave me permission to post it here. . It's WS so no warnings *smiles*

link to my livejournal since the RP took place over there