August 22nd, 2007

[info]mozarts_sonnet in [info]10_rpscenes

Rachel/Alec [Dark Angel] - HW#4 Directory for [info]10_rpscenes

[info]mozarts_sonett and [info]alec will be writing ten RP scenes featuring Rachel Berrisford and Alec McDowell from the Fox show Dark Angel. These fifty scenes will chronicle the post canon ship of Rachel and Alec, as if she never died. It will be from beginning to present. Enjoy!

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[info]trio in [info]10_rpscenes

Kyouya/Tamaki Directory

Authors: [info]trio and [info]raighne
Characters: Ootori Kyouya and Suoh Tamaki
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club
Theme Set: LW2
Warnings and Notes*: male/male relationships

Prompt and Chronology Directories )

*List is not yet complete.