August 19th, 2007

[info]trio in [info]10_rpscenes

Dropping By for a Visit (Wufei/Duo) LW4

Title: Dropping By for a Visit
Authors: [info]trio and [info]petermaxwell
Characters: Chang Wufei and Duo Maxwell
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Theme Set: LW4
Theme(s): Far Off Places
Warnings and Notes: male/male relationships

It was a moderate sized house on Earth... )

[info]trio in [info]10_rpscenes

Admin Note

I've noticed several writing challenge communities giving out specific tags for each claim, and I like the idea. In the next few days, I'll be getting those tags set up for the currently claimed challenges.

[info]trio in [info]10_rpscenes

Admin: Update

So after some decision regarding how I wanted the tags to look, I've got them set up. The table below is copied directly from the new Master Claimed Table, and shows your tag. Additionally, any posts already posted to the comm have been properly tagged, including directory table posts.

Master List )