The "lose 40 pounds in 3 weeks" plan's Journal
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Saturday, April 5th, 2008

    Time Event
    Name: Gracie
    Date starting diet: April 6
    Age: 21
    Location: Germany
    E.D. type:Bulmia
    Have you been diagnosed/do you self-diagnose? Diagnosed. When I was in 18 years old I had bulmia really bad and got to the point that it was either get better or be forced to go to treatment to somehow I forced myself to get better but when you stop something just because you are told and not really recover from it.......its so easy to get back into and this is the only I know I can call home so here I am yet again. I missed my Mia.
    Picture/s of yourself (optional):Sorry but I want my face and body to be a secret and I am not even using my real name in case of someone to find out about this again! Take care lovelys!! Please Im me..............graceireece on is always needed!

    Current Mood: blah
    SO I was thinking. I think that being obsessed with your weight has a lot to do with you genes. Are any of your parents......overweight?? underweight?? Struggled with losing weight or been obsessed with it like us.......any have a form of an ED???? I know it runs in my family. My mom struggles with her weight and has ever since she had her 3rd child. I use to feel bad when I first developed my easting disorder because I got down to a unhealthy weight and she struggled just to get to a healthy weight. Odd but true!! Anyways stay strong lovelys!


    Current Mood: deep in thought

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