[info]msilverstar in [info]07refugees

LJ is ending the Basic account option

From May March 12 on, it's see ads or pay up:

Basic Account is an option available to accounts which were created before March 12, 2008. No account created after this date can be turned into a Basic Account. Basic Accounts will not have any advertising displayed on their accounts, but will have fewer benefits and features.

Source: FAQ 38

ETA: fix the date in my text.

ETA 2: Jason Shellen, VP of Product Development for LiveJournal" says it was to make the registration process "easier for new users to understand" To which I say, Apparently they think their users are STUPID. The new ones for needing it "easier" and the old ones for taking that crap.

Also, Brad says no one really asked him. And he's on the LJ Advisory Board -- that was the whole point of the advisory board!

ETA 3: Another advisory board member and "thought leader", Esther Dyson, says that no one talked to her either. And that the person who emailed her can quote her on that.


don't shoot me for this but...

I don't really mind the ads on LJ.

I guess I'm used to them. *ducks flying rocks* I still like IJ and other journal sites tho.

What I *do* mind is LJ not telling the userbase that the Basic account is no longer going to be used.

I do think that LJ should have at least told the users that and I don't blaime Brad for being PO'd at them.

Re: don't shoot me for this but...

I really really hate ads. And I felt that Brad had given a commitment to free accounts without ads, and that LJ/SUP has broken that promise.

Also, trying to sneak it in without announcing it was so wanky as to be PATHETIC.

Re: don't shoot me for this but...

I'm not really against the ads, per se. In fact, I'm pretty sure that no one here on IJ can be upset about the ads in general, or even the loss of the basic account, because we're in the same boat here.

I'm more against the no notification and the marketing doublespeak. Just reinforces the general "no real communication with our mostly teen users" policy, IMO.

Re: don't shoot me for this but...

that's the general consensus as far as i've heard. people understand putting the ads up... it's irritating, yes, but something easily ignored or AdBlocked...

what most people are pissed about is the sneaking it under the door and crossing their fingers hoping their users don't figure it out.