[info]sylumgator in [info]07refugees

IJ release 23

Only found out about this, when a friend tried to change some links, and can't.


release 23
Time for another release! Not too much in this round.

* Content flag reporting page has an option for "Spam" now
* Two new expressive themes (Bubbly Pink Hearts, Bubbly Blue Stars)
* Adding ad placements in comment notification emails for Plus users
* Moving the Links List into the the customization interface (instead of a separate page)
* Updating the DMCA page to reflect the change in LiveJournal's ownership


You mean *LJ releases

You almost made me think hell froze over on IJ.

I <3 Ad-Block Plus. I still need to figure out how to allow myself to see ads on IJ though, because I don't mind supporting the site.

Re: You mean *LJ releases

You can disable it selectively. Click on the stopsign icon and it'll give you a menu.

Re: You mean *LJ releases

It's not quite that simple. I don't know where exactly IJ's ads are hosted and how to differentiate them from ads posted elsewhere. I don't want to enable, say, Google ads on IJ and have them show up everywhere else.

Re: You mean *LJ releases

Hm, I just tried it and it worked for me. I used one of my free accts and disabled adblock on www.insanejournal.com and a google ad on the main page showed up.

Re: You mean *LJ releases

Which means absolutely nothing for me. I don't have ad-block disabled on IJ. I have it disabled on Google. I have subscription lists that come with Ad-Block.

Re: You mean *LJ releases

Very strange and inconvenient. I have no idea why your setup is different, unless maybe we're using significantly different versions of adblock+, mine is kept updated for the most recent. I use adblock+'s subscription lists as well and I have adblock+ enabled on Google. I very rarely disable it to show ads. When it's disabled on IJ and I'm using a free account, it will show a Google ad on IJ even if it blocks them on all other Google sites.

Oh well, I'd hoped to help, but this is beyond my limited tech knowledge.

Re: You mean *LJ releases

You almost made me think hell froze over on IJ.

Me too!

Re: You mean *LJ releases

I should not post just before bed. I have to get this keyboard fixed, too. Missing a couple keys.
SORRY!!!! *runs away*
To quote the great scoundrel Lando Calrissian: "This deal is getting worse all the time."
And I see they turned off comments on this release too.
well of course they did!
Could anyone possibly provide me with a list of all the mistakes LJ has made the past few years? I'd like to make a webpage somewhere. I think each one of us should have some sort of anti-lj page. Should counter all of this obvious hiding from reality lj is doing lately.
::raises paw and waves::

Ummmm, actually...have they done anything right?

So little time, so much fail yet to accomplish...
I have a rundown of Strikethrough '07 here, but it doesn't cover 3.0 or the flag wars wank.
* Content flag reporting page has an option for "Spam" now

About time.

* Adding ad placements in comment notification emails for Plus users

They already have ads in some notification emails (even for free users, like I am). That is to say, it says "supported by MSN" or some shit in it. Not something you can even block!


clare_dragonfly wrote:
> They already have ads in some notification emails (even for free users, like I am).
> That is to say, it says "supported by MSN" or some shit in it.
> Not something you can even block!

Actually, you can block it. I'm surprised you have not.
The top way computers get compromised and infected by virus writers is via an HTML E-Mail.
There is no valid reason to send HTML E-Mails.

In your mail program, force all HTML E-Mails to be converted to plain text.
You won't see any banner ads. Either legitimate or phishing. (The URL where the image was pulled from, as well as where you would surf if you clicked on it, will be shown in a footer after the body of the E-Mail.)
{Sorry; I was having too many problems trying to logon.}

...Sure there are valid reasons to send HTML emails. Links and images are useful.

Also, this is a text ad. I don't even think there was a link. Just like a little sponsorship message.

(And why would you, a complete stranger, be surprised about anything regarding my personal email habits?)
Lol, change that subject line!

EL-jay, like EL-toro, e.g.