[info]aristoboule in [info]07refugees

My IJ tis of thee...

I had a little bit of a graphics bunny from this post in [info]announcements, about immigrants vs. refugees, and well, had to share!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


:D!!! Thanks!

And if someone told me how to make it so the picture linked to a website, I'd totally put that on my LJ userinfo page with a link here :)
Woohoo!!! I hope the coding goes through here:

< a href = "http://aristoboule.insanejournal.com/ " > < img src = " http://linktoyourstoredpic" border = "0" > < /a >

But remove all the spaces between characters except for the a href part!

I know there's an eaaaaaaaaaaaarly post in this comm by [info]ardath_rekha that explains how to do it!