December 2nd, 2007

[info]jaybee65 in [info]07refugees

Six Apart "Unloads" Livejournal to Russian Company SUP

Or so reports Mashable, here.

Won't this just stir up the hornet's nest, eh? I think I'm going to go hide under a desk for a while.

ETA: and here's a link to LJ's News post.

[info]msilverstar in [info]07refugees

Recent history of Russia online

Via [info]stewardess: Kremlin Seeks To Extend Its Reach in Cyberspace - says that the Russian government is encouraging pro-government sites and blogs, trying to drown out opposition voices.

And when the entire country of Estonia was subjected to a Denial-Of-Service attack, well, they came from Russian IP addresses.

I'm sure there are other examples, anyone?

(ETA: fixed first link, other useful links in comments)