[info]blasphemy_blue in [info]07refugees

To get things rolling and to make some friends in this new site, I present the MULTIFANDOM FRIENDING MEME.

Fill it out, comment, and make friends on Insanejournal!



Name/Age: Megan, 21
Fandoms?: Mostly shounen manga (Bleach, D.Gray-Man, Death Note, Hikaru no Go, Gintama, Naruto, Air Gear, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hunter x Hunter) and video games (Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Shadow Hearts, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, Xenogears, Devil May Cry, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne/Devil Summoner/Persona, Samurai Warriors, Metal Gear Solid, Phoenix Wright, Fire Emblem). There are tons I'm probably forgetting, but those are the big ones I'm actively participating in. While I enjoy quite a few television shows and read novels compulsively, I don't participate in their fandoms or write about them in my journal on a regular basis.
Favourite Couples?: I worry more about good writing than a specific pairing. If you can make it work well in your story, I'll read it.
Favourite Characters?: I have a major weakness for smart/well-connected/well-informed characters who pretend to be otherwise with hilarious results, which means I fall for characters like Ling Yao in Fullmetal Alchemist, Nash Latjke in Suikoden, and Ravi in D.Gray-Man.
Favourite Actor/Actresses?: I care more about the characters than the actors behind them.
Journal Status(s)?: Permanent. I use this alongside my journals on other services because I have friends here who don't use LiveJournal, so I'll be here at least in part regardless of how things turn out with LiveJournal.
Anything else?: I write fan fiction and make icons once in a blue moon, blog about gaming a lot, vent about real life occasionally (less often now that I have fandom friends here), and, like I said before, I care more about quality than who you're pairing together.
Friends? XDDD
Sure. :D