Zion Mystique: Carnivale of The Curious - OOC Comm
Zion Mystique: Carnival of the Strange
A 1919 supernatural RPG

Zion Mystique


October 2020

Powered by InsaneJournal

October 31st, 2019



[No Subject]

Welcome to Zion Mystique: Carnival of the Strange’s Grand Opening!!

Make sure you’ve done the following:
Accept all invites.
Checked the OOC page and introduce yourself and/or reply to others intros :)
Submitted a blurb for your ‘show’ (If you have one). Dropbox, DM or throw at me on discord.
Make sure that your character’s info is correct on the cast pad, and on the attractions page.
And last, but not least HAVE FUN! (And *cough*pimp out to friends*cough* :D)

We have a great group of players and some awesome characters, I can’t wait to see what happens.

Just an FYI, the FAQ is frequently updated, but I will try to post new smaller changes to it on the discord server when it happens, and if there are any huge ones they will be seen on the OOC comm. Otherwise I’ll mention updates in the monthly updated bit. But feel free to look and if you have a question not there don’t hesitate to ask. I love unique questions, even if they force me to figure out stuff I’d never thought of before *cough*BB*cough*.

And to let everyone know; yes, there will be big plot stuff happening down the line. Most won’t be overly impactful or interrupt ongoing storylines (hopefully) and I’m more than willing to try to rope storylines into larger plots as well. Individual character lines you don’t need to get my permission (though a heads up would be nice just in case we can help), but if there’s anything that might impact the entire carnival just throw me a quick idea blurb (Dropbox or IM, doesn’t have to be official).

Also a reminder that the Carnival will be moving almost every month, so keep that in mind when making plans. All characters would expect to move to a new place (and know what that place is) at the first of the month. Just make sure you check the IC monthly update :).



[No Subject]

Hi hi, Meg here!

So far I've got Kieran here as an Angel/Ferris Wheel Operator/Medic/General Roustabout. Kieran can heal just about any injuries, you know in case there's like a loose animal or a misfired arrow, he's your guy. He lives in a wagon with Jack Kincaid and runs the medical tent after hours. He likes to joke, really loves to joke as much as he can because life is just so sad sometimes and he'd rather not think about it. One thing everyone always sees when they meet him is the slight glow to his blue eyes. This is part of his angel grace but can only be seen if you're close enough. I'd love anything really, he's been working for the carnival for a long time so he'd know a lot of the people who've traveled with them for a long time. Anyone who might have been healed from him at some point, other roustabouts, friends.

Edit: I’ve also got Ms. Jean Ramsey. Half sister to Nicholas St. James. Jean is a lion tamer and animal handler(mostly the felines). She is the opposite of her brother. She’s outgoing, flirtatious and a little bit of a kleptomaniac. Don’t worry though, she’s only interested in swindling the customers, not the fellow employees. She LOVES people and when she finds someone she wants to meet she does everything she can to make it happen. She followed the carnival all the way from Montana and has just begun to work there, so everyone is still fresh. I’d love anything for her but no one really knows her yet, not even her brother.



[No Subject]

Howdy there! I am BB!

Presently my two boys in the game include this dapper gentleman; Charles Renmont, the (unaware psychic-clairvoyant) trick shooting/stunt riding/gun slinging modern cowboy. Along with Professor James Henry Blackstone; the sorcerer/illusionist who creates of potions, magic trinkets, and all manner of wondrous things. Both have been with the Carnival for a bit, Charles for over two years now and the Professor for 11 years.

I'm looking forward to exploring this new game with you all! Feel free to drop me a line, and we'll see what plotty goodness can be created. :D