February 17th, 2020



Texts 2/17

[Text to Kieran (afternoon)]
- So this is new, but handy
- I need some help
- Decided to find a nice place to draw
- got stuck
- tried to get out
- stuck more
- help
- [Attached picture of view of the carnival from his location]



Texts 2/16 - 2/17 (overnight)

[Text to James]
- Never one to pass up a convenient new tool
- I can now check on you whenever I want
- Did you eat today, darling?

[Text to Lily]
- I was thinking of going shopping this week
- Join me?

[Text to Edward]
- I'm going to visit Bohdi for a fresh meal.
- Did you need me to bring him back for you to have some?
((OOC Note: Bohdi = random NPC rousabout))



Posted on the new forum set up 2/17

For the record, it was not my idea to do this. I have been pestered into it.

There is apparently a place where you can watch moving pictures in town. I have been asked to see if anyone wants to make a day of it and go see one.



Texts - evening 17 February

Text to Kerr
- Would you care to join me in a shopping expedition on Thursday evening?

Text to Eva
- Do not make plans for Saturday night, we are going to go out. I have found the most interesting place.