November 2017



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Nov. 17th, 2016


Who: Lila and Lennon
When: Evening
Where: billiards room
Warnings: Turns NSFW

So you’re a thrill seeker then? )

Nov. 16th, 2016


Who: Theo & Damon.
When: Evening.
Where: Damon's room.
Warnings: NSFW

it's a hell of a feeling )

Nov. 15th, 2016


Who: August, Rae & Cecilia.
When: Late morning.
Where: August's room.

i always feel like somebody's watching me )

Nov. 14th, 2016


Who: Jim & Theo
When: Early afternoon
Where: Foyer -> Basement

san francisco fog )
Tags: , ,

Nov. 13th, 2016


Who: Kiley and Felix
When: Late morning
Where: The Basement

mounting boredom )


Who: Juno & Marco
When: Afternoon
Where: Marco's room

Red glitter is only for Juno )

Nov. 12th, 2016


Who: Damon and Chase
When: Late morning
Where: In town

Welcome to Silent Hill )


Who: Edwin & Cecilia
When: Breakfast time
Where: Kitchen

Muffins! )

Nov. 11th, 2016


Who: Madison
When: Early morning
Where: Fourth floor

creepy statues standing in doorways heralding change is no basis for a system of government )

Nov. 10th, 2016



Day 57.

Weather: A dense fog rolls in overnight, creating a cooler but surprisingly humid day. The fog never dissipates much, and visibility remains low through-out a very dark, hazy day. If ever Mount Zenith was going to go full Silent Hill, this would certainly be the perfect weather for it.

Events: The statue hasn't moved. It's still standing in that doorway on the fourth floor. Occasionally, the statue will make noises. Not the pants-shitting soul-crushing metal on metal screeching everyone's been hearing the past few days. These new sounds are much quieter, but perhaps no less creepy.

The noises are not always active. Typically, the sounds are heard when someone walks past it in the hall. The noise most frequently heard is a sort of throat-clearing sound, as though a man has something stuck in his throat and is trying to manage speech. The sound is also incredibly muffled. It's not coming from any clear speaker, but sounds as though the source is actually encased within the metal of the statue. As though a person were in there, and trying to get out. In fact, sometimes people will hear a knocking - as though a tiny fist is balling up inside the skull of the statue and trying to get the attention of the outside world.

Finally, if at any point in time any member of Experiment B is alone in the hallway with it, they will hear that muffled, murmuring voice beckon them by name. If that person approaches the statue, getting within arm's reach of it, and they are still alone in the hallway with it? It will speak a single sentence to them. Again, the sound is muffled, as though it is coming from inside the skull of the statue. What does it say?

"Change is coming."