Sat, Apr. 4th, 2009, 12:04 pm
[info]dancing_serpent: FanArt Recs: Ogata-centric

Recently I stumbled upon two fanart sites I simply have to share. They are both mostly in Japanese, but don't be afraid to just click around. Anyway, the links I'll post here go directly to the art.

The first one is Consider the Age, a gallery centered around the Ogata/Hikaru pairing. You'll find pictures of both of them together or separately.

Various techniques and ratings, some pictures are very much NWS, some are cute or funny. For example: Ever wanted to see Hikaru dressed in Akari's school uniform? Yeah. *G*

My personal favourites are this monochrome Ogata/Hikaru and this Ogata pic. See how his socks match his shirt? *snicker*

The second gallery is dedicated to the Shirakawa/Ogata pairing, but you'll find various other characters or pairings there, too. Like this picture of a younger Touya Kouyo/Ogata. Nice!

Even though I'm not a fan of Shirakawa, I like the art in this gallery even more. Especially when it comes to Ogata. He is very sexy barefoot and in partly open shirt. Yum!

The art is worksafe and beautifully romantic. Mostly scenes of everyday life or character portraits. There are some art nouveau like pictures, too, like this one of Shirakawa.

Oh, and don't miss the Japanese link that's located under "Gallery" - follow it and you'll find even more pictures. It's totally worth it!