Youka Nitta
DOUBLE DRABBLE: Fountains of Opportunity 
21st-Mar-2009 09:42 am
Title: Fountains of Opportunity
Prompt: #18 - "business"
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou, but mainly an ensemble moment about Asano vs. Katou
Rating: PG
Summary: Connections can only do so much.
Notes: 200 words. Triggered by [info]geri_chan's mention of mermaid flesh as an anti-aging food. Which, in turn, reminded me of chapter 47 ("Soul Position"), when Iwaki claims that stealing Katou's energy is why "I can work without sleep for so long and still keep my skin so smooth" (damn him)...

"You are even more exuberant than usual tonight," Yoshizumi said to Katou.

Katou grinned. "I just heard from Kaneko. The part of Lizst is officially mine."

Onozuka whistled. "That's another one in the eye for Asano-kun. He was insisting that you were too old for the role."

"Of course he was," Katou said. His grin turned sly as he added, "I happen to know that his agency asked Imamura-kantoku to consider him for the role."

Iwaki demurely intoned, "We strive to do our best for our actors, but it would be presumptuous to direct the directors. An actor is the ink on a director's brush, and the director ultimately chooses the ink that best suits the picture he wishes to create."

Onozuka snorted. "You are more pretentious than ever, Iwaki-san. Why not simply admit that Imamura-kantoku wrote the role for Katou? You are cruel to cater to Asano's delusions."

"His ambition makes him better in the roles he does get," Iwaki argued. "I can't help that they aren't the roles he wants."

"I do have an unfair advantage," Katou smirked. "He does not have Iwaki-san's energy to keep his skin smooth."

Yoshizumi looked ill and muttered something about mermaid stew.

21st-Mar-2009 05:32 pm
Bwahaha, this is so great! Your Onozuka is dead on--his cutting comments, his irritation with Iwaki! *squees with delight*

And this line totally cracks me up: "His ambition makes him better in the roles he does get," Iwaki argued. "I can't help that they aren't the roles he wants." Poor Asano! I can see him falling into the trap of being typecast in supporting roles, and unlike Yoshizumi, fighting tooth and nail against it.

And hahaha, love Yoshizumi getting nauseated as usual with the lovers' sentimental remarks!
25th-Mar-2009 09:59 am
Onozuka's dislike of Iwaki is something I like more and more about him the more time I spend with the series. Don't get me wrong -- I'd rather have dinner with Iwaki than Onozuka any day -- but it adds a tangy tension to the series (and your fics :-) ) to have that present.

I like to think that Yoshizumi will age much more gracefully than Asano, heh. I've come across several interviews lately about actors who have accepted that they are now "character actors" rather than romantic leads because they are older (e.g., Frank Langella), and are rather amused that they have an advantage over other actors who have had cosmetic work done and are then stuck competing with a younger generation rather than landing roles their age. (One actress gleefully noted that while Meryl Streep will always get first offer for the choice parts in their demographic, "Meryl can't take them all.")

...which is perhaps a bunny for some other time. In the meantime, thanks for letting me know you enjoyed this!
23rd-Mar-2009 01:07 am
*snicker* I love reading Asano smack-talk! *HUGS*

love, lore
25th-Mar-2009 09:36 am
There are so many Asanos in the world -- it's rather nice not to have to be nice to them in fic! *evil smile* Thanks for reading and commenting! *hugs back*
12th-May-2009 09:58 am
HAHAHA! Poor Asano... sort of. Nice little scene, and Asano deserves the smacking, the ambitious arse.

"I do have an unfair advantage," Katou smirked. "He does not have Iwaki-san's energy to keep his skin smooth." I think the Japanese thinks that making love makes the skin smooth, too, so... Asano should go get laid.
9th-Jun-2009 12:44 pm
Ah, but how will he ever find for himself the superior energy to be gathered from sharing one's bed with an Iwaki-san?

*rereads sentence*
*tries not to gag*
*may need to return post-haste to fic where Yoshizumi tries ten different ways to tell Iwaki/Katou to shut up already. Not that any of them work*

[More important, very amused and pleased at your comment. Thanks for reading and letting me know you enjoyed it!]
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