Youka Nitta
NWS ficlet-sighting at springkink 
17th-Feb-2009 12:46 pm
I merely prompted it, and I gather that the author is not only anon but journal-less, but there's a cute Iwaki/Katou comment-pornlet over at LJ:springkink called Valentine Sushi by LJ:ibshafer that I think quite a few of you would enjoy.

P.S. Next round of springkink prompting begins in a week or so. It's pan-fandom, you don't have to write to prompt, and prompts aren't linked to the prompter, so yes, I'm poking at y'all to drop a prompt or two their way. (I don't think it'll compete in any way with the Embracing Spring fest, because the rules, regulars, and timeline are different, if that makes sense. Granted, my FAKE WiP from the fall round is still eating my head, but that's me being a bunny-of-doom magnet and very much not the norm.)
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