Youka Nitta
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19th-Jan-2009 08:24 am
I promise it was an odd experience and go to the loo there and sit for half an hour and watch carps in the Jacuzzi. *shakes head* The woman in the house was the chair of the local branch of the national animal rescue, so...

As for Iwaki's dad? I'd love to see him fall in love and get to know about the implications. There is also that absolutely gorgeous author of Fuyu no Semi - I like her a lot. She'd go well with him. Onozuka's grandmother... OMG. The Iwaki family will never be the same.

So the Iwakis are now yakuza. Masahiko has moved in with a host club owner, the younger son is a gay porn star and the head of the house is banging Onozuka's manipulating grandmother who'll make Morticia look like a gentle, direct woman - plus her grandson is in bed with the porn star's boyfriend's worst enemy. Talk about a chaotic family life...

Should we call in a bunny-eradicator?
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