Youka Nitta
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17th-Jan-2009 10:03 pm
BWAHAHAHA! I love the Yakuza plot bunny with the Asanos cooking up the Iwakis' prized carp!

I also like your story about your friends who keep the sick koi in the bathtub. I was just picturing Katou and Iwaki staying over at the house for the holidays, and Katou going to take a bath: "Um...Iwaki-san, why is there a fish in the bathtub?" Argh, we really must stop bunny-ing each other!

And yes, I can really picture Masahiko as a repressed artist. I hope he gets to live out his dream someday, even if it's only as a hobby.

About Iwaki's dad: I seem to recall a meta post where someone (maybe you?) was saying that Iwaki senior ought to meet a nice woman and re-marry someday. I haven't introduced her into the series yet, but I had in mind that Onozuka's grandmother is a widow, and the only one in the family who supported his desire to become an actor. And now I'm thinking...what if Onozuka-grandma met Iwaki-papa and they hit it off? Wouldn't Onozuka be horrified if he and Iwaki became in-laws? *evil grin*

Augh! The bunnies are breeding again! *smacks bunny down*
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