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Roleplay praise.

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Memory lane [03 Aug 2015|07:21pm]
Going through my old customs and reading through some of the most epic spams between Kyle Galler ([info]kyle) and his best friend in rl Jake Able ([info]jkabel). I miss you, where ever you are. Everything from the constant back and forth of who is the top, Mean girl quotes and embarrassing blackmail pictures on the interwebs. Kyle in the radioflyer with a sippy cup will always be one of those shiny gems that can never be forgotten.

Thank you, where ever you are. You made my evening that much better, and I think I was crying reading through their antics. It's killing me to clean this out!
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[30 May 2015|04:53am]

Vaf ([info]hesquick, [info]teddyalt, [info]theotherbat) I am so happy to have met you! How long did it take for us to realize that we were in multiple lines together? Every character you write is so different and I absolutely light up at finding tags from you because I love reading your narrative and responding to it. It's been a while since I've wanted to write slash characters but our pairings give me warm and fuzzies. You always help cheer me up despite the craziness going on in my life right now and encouraged me to keep on keepin' on when there was IJ drama afoot. Thank for having my back and making me feel like I'm not so bad at this whole writing thing. You are so supportive and [info]youareamazing.

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[08 Mar 2015|12:03pm]

I can not give enough praise to [info]parade. The mods, the players, the community as a whole has been just amazing since I joined. I have had the privilege and honor of writing with some amazing writers.

come get your praise )
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Just a little love. [24 Feb 2015|10:28pm]
It's coming up on five years as this girl at [info]representation. And I can't thank you all enough for making it something entirely special. I've been on a roller coaster with this girl. Finding out new things along the way and figuring out my voice as her in this setting has been perfect. I genuinely enjoy logging in every day to get a few laughs, to have a few meaningful conversations and realize why I first started playing her in the first place. There is a lot of love for those people who have since left but are not forgotten in Laura's eyes. You know who you are, and you know how much you mean to her. And to those who are still there, still making it worthwhile to log in. I thank you immensely for all the continued love, laughter and support for my girl. You are the definition of amazing.
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[05 Nov 2014|05:32pm]

[info]mattgood Not sure there is enough words in the dictionary that describes the praise you deserve. Not only is your Matt a complete lovable, everything you want in a character, you are one of the best writers I have seen in these parts. I have truly enjoyed writing with you at any given opportunity and You know I adore your Matt. You bring out the best in characters and that is not always easy.

[info]hollandayze you bring something quite dynamic to a friendship that would have been so unexpected. Your Holland is quite enjoyable and I am looking forward to the adventures the trio friendship awaits.
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[05 Nov 2014|05:17pm]

[info]parade deserves a lot of praise for being a good role playing game to call home. The mods are fantastic and deserve a lot of praise. Cheers to you mods for being ace in your game of providing a hoe for players to find their adventures.

[info]zaynjavadd The endless fun these two have with their Supernatural talks leaves me amused for hours. I quite enjoy your Zayn and the heart and soul he has. Your portrayal of Zayn is something to be applauded. I have much respect for you.

[info]tomlinwlou Louis is as lovable as he is charming. Niall quite adores him and always looks for their chat. You give Louis such an amazing reality of who he is and what he'd actually be like.

[info]parade as a whole deserves so much praise for their writers who keep things active and are quite welcoming to new comers. I can say I have been enjoying my time here and look forward to getting to know others more.
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a little NBD icon action. ;) [22 Oct 2014|07:05pm]

[info]frsean & [info]plwsy

There are so many things I could say, but I honestly don't think I have the words to justify how much love I have for you two. You are the BEST bromances I have ever found for my boy on this server. Every time I make an update or a random post, a little piece of me sighs because your guys aren't part of the comm anymore. I love that Sean and Cam still have their customs and that he can still be a piece of their world but know that you are both muchly loved and sorely missed.
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[01 Oct 2014|11:30am]

I meant to write this a month ago, but time got the best of me. The end of August/beginning September marks five years of writing this guy at [info]representation. I picked him up as a complete joke, not thinking I'd last very long. It wasn't my first time playing a professional athlete, but a football player and one that was a rookie in the league and kind of had to live under the microscope of playing in New York City for the Jets. Now here I am, five years later - and even though I had to do a reboot, and even though he's on another team (that of which brings me so much relief, he's so much happier now), I am still enjoying logging in with this guy and getting a chance to play him. Thank you to everyone who has made the past five years of playing Mark Sanchez as fun as its been for me.
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[16 Sep 2014|05:12pm]

It’s been about two and a half years since I’ve done one of these, and let’s face it... the last six months have been a bit rocky with all the behind the scenes drama so I’d just like to take a minute to remind everyone:

[info]triumph_mod [info]youareamazing!

When I last did one of these it was shortly after the third anniversary of the game. We’re about a week past the five and a half year mark now. There are no words to explain how awesome that feels, how nice it is to have been given a chance to play and develop so many characters over years like we have here. To have things happen that we never could’ve anticipated just by virtue of the fact that sometimes even the simplest interaction sometimes causes ripples and changes we didn’t plan. Yay organic lines?

”Now )
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[10 Sep 2014|11:34am]

[info]megakill ala Nikki, you are amazing.

Fucking fuck )
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[05 Nov 2014|12:12am]

[info]corg it is has been almost two years since I wrote this for you. It was definitely a big part of my life for a long time. Even after a two year hiatus I find myself gravitate toward your Genevieve. This time, they maybe just friend, but I know you and [info]dannnel are two of my favorite writers. No matter how long of a hiatus I have, I can guarantee the three of us will find our way back to one another.

Of course, I can't forget my favorite [info]jadtp. No matter what kids the two of us play, we manage to keep our wits. Keeping true to life and having our own spin on these two. I can't say I have found a better Jared than you. I also know finding all of you again has made this last birthday the best. I never thought I'd fall in love with the Supernatural fandom again like I did a few months ago. Thank you guys so much for joining me over at [info]modleycrue. I know it took some pushing and prodding, but in the end. It's ultimately the best place for our crew to be together.

[info]modleycrue, I want to give the mods a shot out for being amazing. I know we all give you hell. You take it with a grain of salt and make the community better and better with each character add. I hope to see our small community evolve and grow over the years. This is the first community in years that I have fallen in love with. Thank you for giving my muses a home after a two year hiatus. You guys have been great to me and I know anyone else I've dragged your way. All the writers here are amazing; I just wish I could reach out to all of you. I know that's not always possible, but the ones I have encountered have quickly become some of the must write withs over the course of these months. If I wrote out each of your character names, I would be here for a week. Just know, I love you all.
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[07 Jul 2014|12:36am]

[ music | It was a tough choice between the glasses and Donatella, just fyi. ]

Today marks my way-too-high-of-a-number-th anniversary of playing Gina, but this year, there's no community to speak of, just one awesome, kickass SLP. So, this one's for you, [info]katic! )

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[26 Jun 2014|03:31pm]
[ music | i know only you would appreciate my justifed text obsession ]

Today marks a very special and hugely awesome birthday of one of my favorite people on planet earth, and while she deserves the whole world, here is just a sliver of the massive amount of thanks I have for my other half, [info]brette (+ 323409 usernames from all our characters and lines)

I just had to take a few minutes to say 1) happy birthday you wonderful crazy bitch and 2) [info]youareamazing.

Read more... )

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[01 Jun 2014|12:46am]

[info]masenb, I don't think I tell you enough how much I adore you, and how I would not still be around without you. [info]youareamazing

cut for creepy stalker vibes... sorry, not sorry. )

Shout out to [info]thehudson; best damn comm on this site. Legit.
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[05 May 2014|09:50pm]

So I just wanted to leave this message for someone that has been amazing to me in roleplay. [info]blainerson from [info]slushees is absolutely amazing. Since the day I joined the game 6 months ago, she has been someone I can talk to and go to for anything, but IC and OOC. She works her butt off on the community, and she's just such a sweet person, an amazing player and someone I consider a real friend. I hope we will continue to play together, and talk for a long time to come. I absolutely <3 her, and quite simply put, April, YOU ARE AMAZING!

While I'm at it, a shout out also goes to [info]qfab also from the same game, again, someone I have come to consider a real friend and that I hope to play with for a long time, to talk to for even longer and to have as a friend forever. You are amazing, Jenn.

There are more! But i'll make more posts for them! lol
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It has been such an amazing year, [info]parade! [25 Apr 2014|12:06am]

I honestly cannot believe it's been a year, [info]parade! Drew was my very first celeb I ever wrote, and to this day almost a decade later, she's still the one I have the most fun writing. I've been through my fair share of communities back in the GJ days and now here on IJ as well with her. I have to say though that this community is easily the one that I have really ever wanted to be social and active in. I absolutely love each and every one of you whether Drew talks to you or doesn't. I read every single entry though she may not always comment on them because words fail her as well as myself sometimes. I just want to thank the community for being so welcoming and for making her feel at home.

Some of these shout outs will have some things repeated, but it doesn't make the words mean any less to me. There's a reason Drew has written about a good few of you in a couple of her entries, you have gone above and beyond to reach out to her and to be there and to allow her into your kids' lives. As someone who has been playing for the last 12 years... these are the connections you strive for. This place is a wonderful community despite some of the setbacks we suffer every once in awhile. That's life though right? We take the good with the bad, and we learn to deal with it and move on. [info]parade is an amazing place, and I am so thankful to be a part of it.

Though let's face it there are definitely some faces I want to pick out and give my own little thank you to, so here we go.

all you need is love )
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[02 May 2014|01:28pm]

Hey [info]liamshaw! I just wanted to holla' at you and tell you that [info]youareamazing!

Squeeage be here )
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Dear [info]enrapture, [12 Apr 2014|10:14am]

Sweet wonderful you, you make me happy with the things you do. I know that we've only just started writing together, and I know that I've already said this to you directly on multiple occasions, but you are amazing.

just a little gushing. nbd. )

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Someone very special has a birthday today! [10 Mar 2014|05:31pm]


SURPRISE! I couldn't let your birthday pass without giving you something special. It is so nuts, of all these things I have made, you have yet to get one from me and it is hilarious we were just talking about them being in the same place this weekend since I planned on writing this for you as soon as I remembered aka you telling me, it was your birthday. ;) Something I always struggle with is finding the right words because no matter what, I can never seem to capture how much someone means to me in words. There ARE no words to tell you how much I have valued not only their rp friendship, but our OOC friendship we have created. From the instant Aly arrived at ~buddies, I felt a connection. I never played with an Aly before and ~buddies was my first attempt at playing Zac. I picked him up randomly when I was excited over how good 'The Lucky One' looked. He suddenly seemed like a guy I could play so I gave it a try. You don't even know how insane it is to think I have been playing him off and on for almost a full two years now. It has gone so fast and I am so thankful I have gotten to know you really well over those two years. RP is such a small world and it is still funny to me that we knew each other as other people previously to playing Zac and Aly together. It is no wonder they clicked. I don't click with people too often. It is rare I start playing with a new person, click with them and find out I haven't played with them before so anytime I click so well with someone, I figure I HAD to know them before and it was even true in this case. I loved you back then too. It almost feels as if we were meant to be friends.

First, let me start by saying Zac valued Aly's friendship as much as I value yours OOC. She was always there for him. I normally don't have an issue finding a romantic line but I always struggled finding good, solid friendship lines. Which I guess is why valuing friendships has become so important to every last one of my kids. I would rather have good, solid friendship lines, than a romantic one. Romantic lines were always a nice bonus for me once I was happily settled with a lot of good friendship ones. I was so lucky with Zac because he had A LOT of close friends on ~buddies and then when it moved to ~parade but Aly was definitely one of his best. Aly was the one that was ALWAYS there, no matter what and as much as I hate to admit it, I do think he took advantage of that sometimes. I know my Zac wasn't always easy to deal with. Aly adored the shit out of him and would do anything for him yet I am aware he made her feel as if nothing was good enough. Aly meant so much to Zac. Their vent sessions over how they hate all the same people, how they shared in their love for AI, The Bachelor, and then Big Brother. I can't watch any of those without thinking how our kids would compare notes. They had something so amazingly special. I know when we had awards last year, it was nice to see someone as deserving as Aly take them all. She brought so much to the comm and I know it hasn't felt the same without her. I am thankful we both lost our kids at the same time because I know it wouldn't be the same for Zac without Aly around. She was always so giving of her time, whenever he needed her, I know Aly would be there. You are Aly for me and always will be. I can't see Aly and not think about you. I knew nothing about her and all I do know is from you but from what I do know, you brought her to life. She was always there for her friends and was incredibly loyal even when they didn't deserve it (like Zac! Don't lie, you know you agree!). I know Zac would tell her she is loyal to a fault but that was always a compliment. It was a quality she should be proud and stand behind. Zac knew that no matter what he did, Aly would may not always like his choices but she would still be there for him which was something really special considering he was always worried about what other people would think about the stupid decisions and choices he was making. Aly kept him sane. She brought him back down to earth when he needed it and just I can't express enough how she meant to him. They have been through so much but their friendship always continued to stand strong and now I am getting emotional thinking about them haha moving on.

You're such an incredible writer. Bless you so much for dealing with me because I am a pain in the ass considering I don't enjoy scening at all and I know you do. You were always so patient and put up with my stalling ways and distractions with AIM conversations. Not just anyone would do that. You bring so much to every last char I have known you as and I am so proud to say I have gained another good friend through rp, someone I always want to bring along with me whenever there is another comm I like or maybe want to try. You have very easily become one of my closest rp friends. Whenever something happens, you are always the first person I go to because I know how much I can trust you and I can honestly say I would trust you with my life and we haven't even met. It means so much to me to have you as part of my rp life. I don't know where I would be without you.The hours we would spend talking IC and often times,those IC conversations would turn OOC which I never minded because whether it be IC or OOC, it is always, always a pleasure talking to you. You are one of the most unselfish, loving people I have ever met in my life. I hear about your life and the responsibility you have to your family and I hope you realize just HOW special that is. There are a lot of people out there that would rather die than take care of anyone other than their self. You honestly would do anything for those that mean the most to you. You are the epitome of putting the needs of others above your own and where I used to feel I do that sometimes . . . you put it to shame. ;) I don't believe you do it because you have to either, you do it because you just simply want to and that is how much you care. Let me tell you, I am so thankful to call a person like that a friend and even better to have someone like that as part of my life. You are great. I adore you and love rping with you. I hope you have an awesome birthday because you deserve it and not even a post like this can express how much I appreciate you and the fact I can talk to you about anything and know you will never judge me (and typically you feel the same way too ;)). I wish I had those right words for you to know just how incredibly wonderful I think you honestly are. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
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[info]mods is actually the best thing. ever. [13 Mar 2014|10:21pm]

i've had such a horrible time in comms lately, i never thought i'd really even fit in. it was a misery and when i came into the marqueemod community, i was nervous. mainly because i was treated like crap. comms kept dying and nobody really bothered with me, honestly. but here and now, this community is the best thing i've ever walked into. big love to every single member, all of you get every inch of my heart. <3
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