Oct. 18th, 2007


House of Cards pt.15

Okay, so I haven't posted this story on IJ before, but basically this my little pet project, which I started back in 2006 in honour of LJ Rabbit Hole Day. It is, as you might have deduced, a re-write of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, though with Seto Kaiba in the starring role. It's rather odd, as might be expected of a story based on something by Lewis Carroll, and shouldn't really be taken seriously :P

Title: House of Cards; Ch. 15: Reunion
Fandom: Yugioh
Pairings (so far): Cecilia/Pegasus, Alister/Seto, implied Yami no Bakura/Malik, eventual Seto/Pegasus
Rating: PG - R
Word Count: 3,655
Warnings: Violence, mild gore, swearing, slash.
Summary: 'Wander this castle at your will, but be prepared. This particular rabbit hole goes deeper than you might imagine...'
In which the wanderers are reunited.
[“It’s... They...” Pegasus took a moment, swallowed, and caught his breath. Looking up, he said, “He gave it back.”]
[Previous Chapters]

Also, comments are greatly appreciated ♥