Dec. 24th, 2009


Fic: Family Toasts

Title: Family Toasts
Written by: Vane ([info]vane_nt)
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Neville Longbottom/Hermione Granger, Augusta Longbottom, Jean Granger-Longbottom (OFC).
Word count: 100
Warnings: EWE, established relationship.
Summary: Neville tries to stop a verbal duel between his Gran and his wife.
Notes: Written for the 100th prompt ("century") posted at [info]neville100.
Disclaimer: "Harry Potter" belongs to J.K. Rowling, her publishers and her licensees. Story written solely for entertainment purposes. No profit is being made from this piece.

Accio Neville Drabble!

Happy Christmas, everyone! :-)

(Dear mods, I've tried to add the tag augusta longbottom to this entry, but it wasn't possible. Could you please add it for me? Thanks in advance!)

Dec. 20th, 2007


Fic: When Two Worlds Meet; Chapters One - Three (Neville/OMC; R/M)

Title: "When Two Worlds Meet"
Author: Mistress Vamp
Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Marquim von LaQuorre (Original Male Character), Johvanhas Gilkoly (Original Male Character)/Sarita Chavaas-Gilkoly (Original Female Character), Ronald Weasley/Pansy Parkinson, Adrian Pucey/Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini/Seamus Finnigan
Rating: M
Summary: Now that Neville's been mated with his Sire, there are unexpected but pleasurable events that will lead him back to the world he used to know.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters created and owned by the wonderful and brilliant JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Warner Bros, and all other associates of Ms. Rowling's. Marquim von LaQuorre, Johvanhas Gilkoly, Sarita Chavaas-Gilkoly, Traviin von LaQuorre, and all original characters are mine and mine alone. Any resemblance to any other known characters are strictly coincidental.
Highlight for Warning(s): *Original Character(s), OOCness, Alternate Universe, Creature Fic, Male Pregnancy, Possible Book/Movie Spoilers, Male/Male Relationship*
A/N: (if appropriate) Marquim, Johvanhas, Sarita, and all other original characters are vampires I have been creating inside of my head for quite some time, now. Be gentle with me as I develop their characters for your pleasure. I pretty much ignore the seven books and five movies, but will have a bit of information so yeah, there are warnings. This was originally done for the [info]100_prompts, so I hope you still like it as a few things have been redone. Storyline along the same as Here, Now, Eternity found at my site -smile-
Story Note: The tale about Vlad the Impaler is from what I have learned on my own research from books and websites. If there is anything you disagree with or believe is fiction, please remember the Internet twist and weaves its own tales, and this is fanfiction. I am, however, trying to be as truthful about what I learned as I can be. The fact that Vlad was a real man and not a true vampire is truth. From my research, he was more of, what most would call, a vampire slayer and not a vampire. I still hope you enjoy this.
Date Started: December 12th, 2007

Currently unbetaed so all mistakes are mine


( Chapter One: This Life I now Live )

( Chapter Two: Marquim von LaQuorre: The Man )

( Chapter Three: Letters from Home )