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August 20th, 2009

[info]_bobby in [info]xmen_ooc


Well hi there everybody!

I am Kait, come to bring you the ever-lovable, ever-smiling Bobby Drake, at least for the moment. I'm sure that everybody knows him as the happy-go-lucky, joking prankster that he is, a softy with a big heart that wears his emotions on his sleeves. Bobby is as transparent as ice when it comes to how he feels or what he thinks, and always tries to do the right thing, be it in the grade scheme of things, or just at that moment in time. Until recently Bobby didn't have much interest in justice or protecting those who could not protect themselves, but has recently learned that being one who is strong enough to do so means that you must.

He arrived at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters when he was quite young himself, only fifteen years old, and up until recently was quite hesitant and reluctant to further explore his budding powers. Bobby is still a little hesitant when it comes to pushing himself into areas that he has not explored before, be it with his powers or aspects of his personality that he has not conquered yet.

Bobby is always ready to be friends with just about anyone who doesn't consistently reject his efforts, so I'm very excited to start playing!

. Kait!

[info]xalted in [info]xmen_ooc

One liners...

Please don't write them. If you don't have enough for your character to say, ask someone on the OOC about specifics or for ideas. And for the record, I'd like everyone to remember that we're writing in the third person/past tense, and to utilize spell check. We all make typos, I know, but sometimes it's pretty obvious things aren't being checked over.

It's in the rules.

ONE LINERS Please don't use one liners. Posts that are 1-4 sentences long are considered 'one liners'. They're fine for journals/comments, but in threads/logs, when you're writing in third-person and doing a narrative, please use full paragraphs. If you can't come up with full paragraphs, then you should speak with the other person(s) involved with the thread and come up with a change of topic/scenery. One liners don't provide an interesting read and they don't allow the person you're writing with to respond to their fullest capability. We're here to write with each other and build on ideas and everyone should do their co-authors the courtesy of putting as much effort into their posts as possible (within comfort/reason/time constraints). We (the mods) see one liners as a waste of character(s) and, frankly, time. Steer clear of 'em. Players that are warned about this repeatedly will be asked to drop their character(s) to the minimum in hopes that their time will be used to make the most of one character, instead of being spread over several. If the issue persists, the player will be removed. (ADDED 06/25/09, UPDATED 08/20/09.)

-Beck (and Leigh)

P.S. Please check out Kait's intro (our new Iceman), because it's now buried. Lol.