Apr. 23rd, 2010


Ficlet: Miss Me, Soldier?

Miss Me, Soldier?

FRAO - ficlet
Jack Harkness/Alex Kyrcek (John Barrowman/Nick Lea)
Alex...alone with a tall dark and handsome...
words 536
Prompt: 1. If 3 was grabbed by a tall, dark, and handsome or beautiful and seductive stranger (depending on their sexual preference) and pulled into an alley, what would happen? (this prompt instructed to select 5 characters and then write the situation called for below. This is the first in the series
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Jun. 23rd, 2009


FIC: Welcome to My Nightmare 18: New Beginnings

FIC: Welcome to My Nightmare 18: New Beginnings

Fandom: Xfiles/Wanted
pairing: Alex Krycek/Conrad Rose, Alex Krycek/Walter Skinner
Rating: FRAO, over all
Summary: Alex is home
Warning: This story arc begins as very much a non-con piece. If you missed any part of this you can read the story to date here
Disclaimer: Wanted and Xfiles do not belong to me. no money made from this

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