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Icons, icons, tra la la

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Sally Field - 75 icons [26 Jul 2008|05:27pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

She looks like my grandma. It's kind of unnerving. )
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Geena Davis - 165 icons [12 Jul 2008|07:43pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

It is almost obscene how well Geena Davis has aged. If I am half this gorgeous and radiant when I'm her age I will be ecstatic.

Most of these are of her around 50, but there's a couple that're ten or so years earlier.

I have an elbow that bends the wrong way, and I'd do things like stand in an elevator and the doors would close, and I'd pretend that my arm had got caught in it, and then I'd scream, 'Ow, ow, put it back!' )

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Nora Zehetner - 50 icons [07 Jul 2008|09:08pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I still think she's kind of weird looking. But I, erm, hate having only 50 icons of someone.

Uhhhh don't know what to put here. )
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Matt Costa - 35 icons [06 Jul 2008|03:52pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

This is a miniscule set for me, but I'm posting it anyway despite having a bunch more pictures on my desktop alone. There's definitely more to come of this guy when I have a little more time on my hands, because he's just plain adorable and I love him.

Oh Mr. Pit, oh Mr. Pit, Mr. Pitiful, who let you down? )
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Eloise Mignon - 170 icons [06 Jul 2008|03:48pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Love this girl. Love love love her, and so want to use her when I've got a little more space for new characters. And I've never seen Neighbours except for random clips on youtube, but I can state pretty confidently that Bridget/Declan is my Neighbours otp.

Why don't you get that new one? The Return Of The Annoying Parents. )
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Ellen Page - 200 icons [07 Jun 2008|02:17am]

[ mood | sleepy ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Not the most flattering look for Ellen, but I still like it - she looks very elfin with short hair. And, as always, her mouth moves in amazing ways.

I had issues with this batch. That's probably pretty obvious.

I'd put a clever quote here, but I've actually NEVER SEEN ELLEN in anything! )

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Nora Zehetner - 50 icons [27 Apr 2008|04:06pm]

[ mood | experimental ]


In my never-ending quest to become Superman, I decided it was finally time for me to attempt to icon someone whose face I don't like. It did not teach me to love her, but it did soften my dislike and I found one picture where I thought she was pretty, so I consider it a success anyway.

Apparently Nora's in some movie where she plays the younger version of someone who ends up looking like Helena Bonham Carter. This makes me giggle, because I can't imagine Nora being used for young Bellatrix. I did see her used for Tonks recently, though, and I thought she actually worked really well.

That which does not kill us only makes us stronger, or something like that. )

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Melissa McIntyre (goth) - 115 icons [26 Mar 2008|09:43pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]


I don't care what Viki says, Melissa makes a cute little goth. I so want to use this girl someday... she has such a unique look.

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Yolanda stared into the soul of the eclipse, and saw the world for what it was: a shadow of black, empty, disappearing, nothingness. )

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Jason Momoa - 200 icons [26 Mar 2008|09:41pm]


Jason Momoa is awesome because he has dreads and looks like a tougher, less hippie John Butler.

And because he has amazing arms.

There are probably other good things about him too.

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I can't stand people who are nice all the time. It makes me feel like they're trying to hide something. )
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Tamara Tunie - 250 icons [26 Mar 2008|09:38pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]


Tamara is awesome and gorgeous and classy, and I love her character on Law & Order. She'd make a really good older Angelina Johnson. Or Gwenog Jones.

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Sometimes all that brooding intensity is just annoying. )

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Sigourney Weaver - 107 icons [06 Feb 2008|04:19pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

This woman is amazing. Hard to icon, though - she'll look skeletal one moment, queenly the next, and then all of a sudden she morphs into a hamster (figuratively speaking). The caps were pretty brown, too, which didn't help. But I did what I could.

These are all from Alien: Resurrection, obviously.

The movie business divides women into ice queens and sluts, and there have been times I wanted to be a slut more than anything. )

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Rachel McAdams - 170 icons [28 Jan 2008|10:36pm]


Rachel McAdams in My Name is Tanino, looking less than completely glamorous! I love how normal she is here. She'd make a good Marietta Edgecombe. Or a Lavender, actually. Or Daphne.

My name is Rachel. )
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Hillary Tuck - 90 icons [23 Jan 2008|10:17pm]


This woman's hair is amazing.

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Icons! )
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Kip Pardue - 90 icons [23 Jan 2008|10:14pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]


Kip Pardue, aka the world's most perfect Seamus Finnigan. Wish there were more angryfaces, but oh well.

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Icons! )

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Tristan Prettyman - 231 icons [20 Jan 2008|10:42pm]


Because I must icon every female singer/songwriter in the world! Or at least the ones I know and like. Stylistically, this girl's kind of a mix between Missy Higgins and Jack Johnson. Physically, she looks like a mix between Missy Higgins and Maria Mena. She has amazing freckles and is more or less incapable of frowning. I love her and her name dearly.

You know I love you, I know you love me. )
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James Van Der Beek - 250 icons [11 Jan 2008|07:23pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Finalllyyyyyyy. I've been working on these forever; sometimes I thought I'd never be done.

James makes an excellent Ernie Macmillan, by the way, and I'm not just saying that because I love Dena's Ernie.

D'awson. )

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B.D. Wong - 64 icons [10 Nov 2007|12:54pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Icons )
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Neil Grayston - 83 icons [04 Nov 2007|06:07pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Just in case... anyone wants to play a Mouthbreather? Okay, so I love all the actors in Wonderfalls and want to icon them to death. I am getting a Stan Shunpike vibe from Neil, though.

I'm Assistant Manager. When you suck, it reflects on me. So stop sucking. )
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Richard Belzer - 122 icons [10 Nov 2007|12:39pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I'm kind of... in love with this guy. Yes, even though he's in his sixties. Yes, even though he's kind of funny looking. His character on SVU is awesome, and... yeah. That's pretty much it.

It's almost as though there's a sign that says 'Give us your tired and poor.' )
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Lee Pace - 335 icons [04 Nov 2007|06:03pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

These are all from Wonderfalls because frankly, I like him and his character better there than in Pushing Daisies (and every-freaking-one's iconing him from PD these days).

I love this man. He has the best lips, the best eyebrows, the best expressions in the world. I'm so glad the first Aaron quit.

Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning - THAT I get. But meaninglessness in a universe that HAS meaning - what does it MEAN? )
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