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Caroline Dhavernas - 60 icons [06 May 2013|09:54pm]

[ mood | nostalgic ]

If by some chance you want to use these, please credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons. Wow, it's been a long time since I've said that.

I don't really make icons anymore. I don't have the time -- or the program either, I think I need to sort out my legit-or-otherwise-copy-of-Windows deal before I can redownload Photoshop (wow, you'd think I wasn't gainfully employed)? But I made these a couple years ago, and am posting them now because I suddenly remembered that I'd made some... and when I went to investigate, there were more than I realized. Yay? I think I also didn't post them because [info]gimcrack had some of the same shots here. Well, there's really no such thing as too much Caroline, so here they are anyway.

(On a side note... who else hated Lily Brenner's relationship with the cocaine farmer guy? So sad this show didn't last, but since she's on Hannibal now and Back With Bryan Fuller, I suppose I'll forgive it. Even though I haven't watched Hannibal, because serial killers.)

Smile. Don't kill anyone. )

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Vincent Kartheiser - 285 icons [09 Sep 2010|11:35pm]

[ mood | relieved ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons. Seriously, do it. I spent a lot of time on these, even the ones that don't look like it!

Vincent Kartheiser should never be allowed to do his own hair. He may be more daunting to a tailor since Mad Men started, but I'm not convinced he knows which end of a hairbrush is which.

This guy makes great expressions, though you don't get as wide a range here as you would from proper tv/movie caps... but alas, when you choose to icon an actor looking scruffy who never actually looks scruffy in any of his roles, you kind of take what you can get. Luckily, I found some interview videos. I've got to say, Vincent interviews really well. I think he's kind of pretentious and amoral, but dang is he witty. Every sentence from his mouth is a great quote. I think he makes up funny things to say in interviews and then finds ways to work them into whatever's being talked about.

I'm pretty sure I'll be iconing him again, but probably not for awhile! :)

There's nothing tragic about Dick Cheney. )

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Conchita Campbell - 100 icons [13 Oct 2009|10:17pm]

[ mood | tired ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Slightly older than last time! These are from the last season of The 4400, with a few photoshoot images at the end (I was so close to 100, I just needed four more...).

Icons )

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Daniel Anthony - 50 icons [15 Aug 2009|09:29pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Such a cute kid. I could find one other set of him on IJ, but there's a lot mixed in on this lj community, if you want more variety.

I have never seen this show, to be honest. )
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Caroline Dhavernas - 195 icons [15 Aug 2009|09:29pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Running Home is a fantastic movie, and I wish I could find it on DVD. It is, however, available on Amazon.com if you're willing to watch it on the Amazon website. I made these icons the old-fashioned way, from printscreen caps, because I loved Caroline's role so much, and because it's freakin' impossible to find anything of her this young. She was 19/20 when it was filmed, and plays a 16/17 year old.

You're not the first teenager to have it bad for an older woman. )
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Robert Ri'chard - 72 icons [05 Jul 2009|09:16am]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons

Such an interesting-looking guy. Not the best icons ever, though. But considering they're from Veronica Mars and I suck at dealing with weird lighting? I'm fairly satisfied.

Robert would make a good older brother to a Logan Browning PB, hinthinthint.

Caps came from the excellent [info]jillian, to whom I am grateful. More and better icons of this guy can be found here, in the illustrious Tara's journal.

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Sianoa Smit-McPhee - 124 icons [20 Jun 2009|05:31pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons

It shouldn't surprise me that the world's cutest goth makes an adorable punk too (if you can call this punk, I'm not entirely sure myself). It does amuse me, though, that Bree had the same innocent-to-goth-to-punk progression as Melissa McIntyre's character on Degrassi, although Ashley ended up closer to where she started out whereas Bree left Neighbours with her pink streaks intact.

Anyway. I love this girl.

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Paget Brewster - 250 icons [22 Apr 2009|10:25pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I swear I looked for a fansite before I started these. I'd much prefer going through a celebrity-specific fan gallery to downloading zip files full of screencaps and then deleting all the ones I don't want, so fansites are usually the way to go, in my opinion.

But I made the mistake of checking again tonight, right when I was almost done with these, and apparently there IS a pretty good gallery with caps from various things.

Oh well. Here's a crapload of icons where she almost always looks upset in some way. I'll be making more where she looks happyish, but it may be awhile.

I'm like this wiry freak they pulled out of a bar two months ago and said, 'Let's throw it on the wall and see if it sticks.' )
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Kelsey-Beth Crossley - 150 icons [05 Apr 2009|05:19pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I started this set when I was still using her as a PB, but it took way longer than expected, and... well. Here they are, months later. :)

Icons )

You can find more Kelsey-Beth Crossley icons at [info]blevcons here.
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Caitlin Stasey - 106 icons [25 Mar 2009|06:35pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I love this girl's face, and I fully intend on iconning the heck out of her... especially now that I've kind of figured out how to work with her coloring. (You don't even want to see what this set originally looked like.) She's turning nineteen soon, and I think that makes her fifteen in these. I think.

The whole sensitive, new age thing kind of just passed you by, didn't it? )
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Missy Higgins - 215 icons [19 Mar 2009|09:27pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Ahhhhh. It's been awhile since I had a Missy set, hasn't it? More than a year, in fact! Had to wait for enough new pictures to crop up, I guess. :)

A variety of hair lengths (look how long it's getting!), and a few Ickle Missy icons at the very end.

So there I was lying on my back... looking at the roses, thinking about my boobs... )
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Billy Campbell - 112 icons [25 Dec 2008|09:49am]

[ mood | festive ]
[ music | bathroom fan ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I finished this set on the flight home last night. (Well, except for the five or so I made this morning, shh!) He is the prettiest bearded older man I have ever seen, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to icon him in his Old Testament Prophet look from the other seasons, too.

I love his lopsided amused-grimace-smile.

Merry Christmas! :)

Icons )

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Eloise Mignon - 285 icons [06 Dec 2008|04:05pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I love this girl. Which is probably obvious since now I have 400-odd icons of her.

Icons! )
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[04 Dec 2008|07:52pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Jason London - 87 icons


In case you wanted to know what Skandar Keynes would look like if he grew up and got a mullet. Jason's expressions here make me giggle - he looks like he keeps thinking, "Dude, where's my car?" Although since this is from Jason And The Argonauts it'd probably be "Dude, where's my fleece?"

I think he'd make an excellent Weird Sister, but that is probably because I secretly want to see the WS portrayed as a hair metal band.

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I will find the golden fleece! )

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Chris Brown - 120 icons [20 Nov 2008|11:00pm]


Iconned at Viki's sort-of-suggestion for Fred Weasley the Second. He's a lot more usable than I expected him to be, actually - I could sort of see him as Dean Thomas, too. Not Blaise, though. At least not these icons, he looks too sweet.

Nothing to say here, folks, move along )
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Rashida Jones - 91 icons [15 Nov 2008|07:17pm]


I've seen some icons of her, but it looked like they were all from The Office. These are a little more casual.

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Ze Frank - 225 icons [15 Nov 2008|07:16pm]


So I found out about this guy last Saturday. Yeah, RP friends, this is pretty much what I've been doing all week. In my defense, he is a delightfully scruffy cross between Hugh Laurie and Alton Brown, both of whom are mind-blowingly awesome. Also, he's obsessed with duckies.

I'm pretty sure there'll be more, because I've only got two and a half months into his year-long videoblog.

Who like the little little duckies in the pond? I do, I do, I do! )
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Sianoa Smit-McPhee - 110 icons [02 Oct 2008|05:12pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

So. Dang. Cute! :D

I've got a bunch of images of her in her punk/rock phase, but I'll finish and post those later.

Apparently I like goths? )
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Eliza Taylor-Cotter - 180 icons [22 Sep 2008|10:05pm]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Icons! )
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Caroline Dhavernas - 150 icons [05 Aug 2008|08:18pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Caroline makes such awesome faces. These are all from Out Cold, which is Casablanca set at an Alaskan ski resort, no joke. She plays Anna, and the guy who plays Rick looks exactly like an older Skandar Keynes. Someday (hopefully soon) I will go back and cap his scenes too.

You -were- the other guy! )

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