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Posting to begin tonight! [Nov. 21st, 2008|06:11 pm]

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please respond with your feedback! if you're okay with these plot suggestions, lemme know - and tell me who in your arsenal you'd like involved with each/any.

To kick everything off, I'll be posting a sentinel incident on the main community which will be witnessed by the X-Men, etc through the media. Threads can go up in reaction to it, should you wish. For the near future, there are these events planned. Please let me know if any of your characters would like to be involved with any of these specific threads.

1. In reaction to the soon-to-be-posted sentinel incident to take place in the mid-west, Shaw will be holding a humans-and-mutants camaraderie gala and will be inviting several mutants from the school (those who are particularly powerful, those who are extremely well-educated, those who are particularly wealthy, etc.)

2. To keep Shaw's nose clean, I would like it if he employed Arcade Sabretooth to round up a number of the morlocks and place them on Genosha so that new, prototype sentinels can have their fun. X-Men would catch wind of this (probably through Toad) and send a team.

3. In Xavier's will, he left instructions for a group of the X-Men to travel to a remote location on the continent of Antarctica and retrieve/destroy information he left there. The purpose of this is to prevent it from getting into the hands of Erik Lensherr - the man who co-created the 'Savage Land' with Xavier before they founded the school. As to what the information says/is for, we'll find out later.

4. I REPEAT: PLEASE THINK ABOUT PICKING UP A HELLFIRE CLUBBER! I've updated their page and I'm including classic members that have been involved in the past X-Verse (Iron Man, Hob/New Goblin, Warren Worthington III, the Braddocks, etc). See here: Hellfire Club.

I added this All About Sentinels to [info]xalted. I also updated the journal entries list so that it's ready for the new plots. I've moved the old list to the OOC, seen in the entry below this one. It's just nice to be able to look back, eh?
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Plot! We got it! [Nov. 19th, 2008|10:01 pm]

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Hey folks. I've set about making updates and the first was the list of threads. The old list can now be found here: ye olde threads. The next step would simply be to update all of the information pertaining to the plot. Well, we need to settle on a plot. So I'm gonna run some things by you guys and see where we get. I wanna get posting again ASAP, as I'm sure you all do as well.

First off - there are Magneto and Shaw to consider. I think they should be paired up, since Magneto wouldn't have his mutation back yet. He would go to another powerful man with his ideals to at least have a safe haven while he gain back his 'strength'. And Shaw wouldn't put Magneto down - he has loads of information, experience and is a powerful mutant, when all is said and done. So! That in mind, I would like to think that Magneto would suggest to Shaw that Genosha be utilized for further Sentinel testing/enhancement - and that his band of Morlocks/Brotherhood that remains (from the Cure/Alcatraz battle) be used as guinea pigs. The sewers would be wiped (by whatever means) and the homeless, rogue mutants would be transported to the island and fend for themselves against Shaw's prototypes. Bwahaha. However, as I'd written it into his profile, after Callisto's death (as well as with another group), Toad became powerful amongst the Morlocks and is recognized currently as their leader. He has it out for Magneto. Shaw's men would strike when Toad and a few others were out of the picture, which would leave them helpless in assisting their 'kidnapped' brothers. Desperate, I would have Toad go to the X-Men for assistance.

And just as Shaw and Magneto assume, the X-Men would be called in and Shaw/Arcade would have super powerful, pick-of-the-litter mutants for the Sentinels to battle. Whether or not the X-Men went to Genosha, they would still have a worthwhile project on their hands.

At the same time (or any other time, really), we could do something with the Savage Land. As Matt suggested, it could be a sort of LOST/Survivor situation (with Jurassic Park, to boot!). However, I feel that this piece of plot would have to be limited or all-encompassing. I find it difficult to think of a reason why any decent-sized group of X-Men would get trapped and still retain use of their mutations. There could be plenty of reasons for them to go there, of course. Also, it wouldn't be very logical to put the whole cast of characters there, either (however fun watching Emma swat giant mosquitoes away would be). So, I think if enough of us are interested in this little tidbit, we can put a movieverse version of the Savage Land in concrete and get a group and mission together to go there.

For the record, the government, Shaw, Magneto, Arcade and whomever else could/should be involved with/responsible for any of these things.

As for Xavier's - I think the man himself should remain comatose in his brother's body. At least for a while, or until after the Jeanix crap settles. Since Magneto is weak, I'd like the scales to be even. Those two are a matched set, eh? So the school would be in Storm's charge. Leigh and I would write in Jean and Scott's returns as the story progressed, with Jean being first. If anyone has any preference for Beast, let me know now. He can either decline the President's offer and come back to the school or remain active with the government. I'll be NPCing him either way! :) If he were away, I think he would return during the Jeanix situation, no matter how long he actually stays.

For the Brotherhood, Toad isn't with them. We do not have a Mystique, and she hates Magneto post-X3 anyway. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were not mentioned in the films, so they can do whatever they'd like. Perhaps Magneto can contact them and invite them to join him with Shaw? Could do pretty much anything they'd like. You can say they met him and decided to do something different from his vision, or they've never met him... anything. Up to you. I'll go along with whatever.

Let me know what you guys think and if anyone has any ideas different from or elaborating on what's here, please comment! I want the plot to have contributions from everyone so we can all be doing things we're interested in. Thanks guys for the patience and the feedback. You roolz me.


P.S. PLEASE THINK ABOUT PICKING UP A HELLFIRE CLUBBER! I've updated their page and I'm including classic members that have been involved in the past X-Verse (Iron Man, Hob/New Goblin, Warren Worthington III, the Braddocks, etc). See here: Hellfire Club.

P.S.S. As per our timeline for the films, we'll now be set back in 2007, unless someone would prefer we set time forward - ie; 2010, which would mean Liberty Island (X-Men 1) took place in 2008 or so.
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[Nov. 4th, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Before these characters get posted, I wanted to mention that some changes have been made...

A) Iceman and Mystique are now up for grabs. (As well as Pyro, Angel, Juggernaut, Psylocke, Multiple Man, Meltdown, etc, etc.) Leigh has decided to drop Rogue and Mystique, as well as two of her originals; Matrix and Nightshade. I'm gonna snag Rogue, and hopefully we can shuffle around or get some new folks to pick up our X-Men. We need 5+ film canons now. Oi!

B) Polaris might be better off in the Hellfire Club - any thoughts? Twins, did you still wanna leave? Then Mystique could run the show her own way. Ideas?

C) In their character summaries, Mars and Zap were supposedly living at Xavier's and doing their old jobs. We've decided that they are still infected with the Upir Virus (their choice) and are living off the synthetic blood. They are living in a home of their own nearby and visit the mansion near-daily. A little independence goes a long way.

I added the following information to rule #8 on the rules page.
ADDED 11/04/08 Thread limit! Please involve each of your characters at any given time in only two threads. This will help to keep overexposure down and will allow all characters equal time in the spotlight. Logs, journal entries, etc do not fall under this rule - only open, on-going threads. But try to spread your attention evenly over all of your characters.


A word from Rob: So, I was thinking a bit on the state of the world after our fast forward. What I would like to see is something kind of the fandoms of Firefly, Star Trek and Star Wars, in that the further you get from civilization (for our purposes, the cities and towns) the more likely it is that there is lawlessness - wilderness - uncertainty. There would be a feeling of unexplored territory, sort of like a semi-Old West. There are still rebel mutants, humans, vampires and Darkseekers in the nooks and crannies of the world, so people would stay closer to cities and try to keep in groups. If anyone has any input (eh?) or questions/comments, leave 'em. :D


P.S. obamarama!
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Help for You! [Oct. 30th, 2008|04:50 am]

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Demographics for a Post-Apocalyptic Marvelverse )
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Fast Forward Time! [Oct. 27th, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Recommencing Date: Sunday, January 3rd, 2010
IC Interactions Begin: Friday, October 31st, 2008 (by or before!)

We would like everyone to post a paragraph (5-10 sentences only please) on what their characters have been up to during the year and three months that will have passed in the game from October 2008 to January 2010. Dan and I thought it would be better to give everyone til Friday to post a comment here with their character summaries. I know some folks will need more time to think than others. However, the sooner the better, eh? Once everyone has posted their responses, we can start back in with the in character posts. Yay.

We will be posting another OOC explaining what the HFC and other NPCs are up to in the empty period of time.

Beck's Characters )

Rob's Characters )

Dan's Characters )

Jordan's Characters )

( Mary's Characters )

( Poppy's Characters )

( Meesh's Characters )

( Leigh's Characters )

( Luis' Characters )

( Dex's Characters )
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All-Member Opinion Request / Activity Check [Oct. 25th, 2008|05:09 pm]

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I know there have been a ton of OOCs lately, so this will be short and sweet. There has been little activity lately in the IC communities, and after seeing the results of the poll (and feedback from a few members), Dan and I would like to ask if you would like to fast forward the game (which would help with some of you newer members plot-wise!) by 6 months or a year.

So, please let us know. And as Dan said earlier, the results to his survey will be posted once a few more people have taken it. There are 10 so far.

Anyhow, comment here with your name in the subject and if you'd prefer to fast forward or not, and if so, would you prefer it to be 6 months or a year.

Thanks so much for your patience guys. Hopefully things will get moving again asap.


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Brotherhood - Please read. [Oct. 14th, 2008|08:06 pm]
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I know this was touched on a while ago, but Becky and I discussed whether or not we want The Brotherhood to continue in existence. The decision will be dependent upon the consensus of the members. Keep in mind that this will not effect any part of the storyline concerning the HFC and Vampires, it's simply just another group to have around. If anything, this will add plot and complexity to the game. I will compile a list of members below, please give your opinion as soon as possible as the game is about to move quickly. Let me know if you have a character that would like to join/remain in participation. Thanks.

*Note - Some changes I know some of us have mentioned is making the BH a lot smaller than it was before. A consolidated version so that 1) There are more characters available for the HFC/X-Men, 2) The game isn't so spread out with three huge entities, and 3) Mystique will be able to identify characters that are truly loyal to Magneto's cause and weed out the "brats" and "tag-alongs" so to speak. Maybe a one character limit per player? Just throwing out ideas, talk amongst ya'selves.


The Brotherhood of Mutants
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So I was thinking... [Oct. 13th, 2008|05:57 am]

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I think there need to be more missions, and more real life, out-in-the-world situations. These would be ideal for the upcoming plot. So, if any of you would like to put together some threads where your character is paired with others of your choice (or volunteers) start some brainstorming here or in IM. I think they could be fun and help break the cabin fever.

• assisting government agents with clean up / restoration across the country
• aiding Morlocks in their concentrated settlements (could have some wacky fun with this one)
• assisting homo sapiens with locating family members or rebuilding homes, etc (anything!)
• visiting with their own families/helping them return home from the safe zones, now that things are moving back toward normalcy
• passing out food / supplies to Morlocks or humans
• assisting chain companies rebuild and resupply stores
• working at churches / schools
• settling disputes between other (rogue) mutants and homo sapiens
• rescuing homo sapiens or other mutants from Upir-infected mutants
• helping to restore communications and repair vital pieces of technology throughout buildings and cities in New York (or anywhere)
• interact with the vampires - X-Men or non-X-Men (tag someone, they'll probably respond, lol)

I'm sure you guys can think of other things as well. There was one more thing I wanted to mention; Time spent at Xavier's. Every character in the game that is currently at Xavier's school has had to have been there at least 9 months. Most have been there for 10 or more. But very few were on their own during the peak of the crisis / apocalypse. No one has arrived recently (fall, summer or spring). I just wanted to make sure that that was clear. The Brotherhood are an exception - but they have all been there 8+ months, as well. So, for interaction purposes, everyone should have at least seen everyone else by now. If the person has an important job at the school, they should know their names and most likely would've interacted with them. Staff members and faculty should know all other staff, faculty and most other individuals. I know there are some loners, but it's really unlikely that everyone would still be meeting other people. It's a mansion, not a city. Lol. Mostly, it's really uncomfortable writing characters not knowing other people when as a player, I believe they should, to some extent. And for the record, things are still a bit chaotic outside Xavier's. There aren't any city councils or McDonald's or Wal-Marts or massively functioning churches with potlucks and raffles - YET. Soon, I hope. Hopefully the winter will bring some more civility back to the world. Anyway, I just wanted to make that clear.

My, Dan, Rob and Jordan's pups are at your service, so if you'd like to include them in anything, let us know. Thanks guys, and plot on!

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The Brotherhood (or lack thereof). [Oct. 1st, 2008|08:28 pm]

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So, rumors going around about Magneto being killed... He will be.

Where does that leave the 'Brotherhood'? I need some feedback, seriously. If you play a member of the Brotherhood, and the status of your character would be left in limbo by Magneto's death, please comment.

Folks involved...

Mystique: Going rogue / targeted for death by HFC.
Sway: Leaving / X-Men.
Pyro: Left / X-Men.
Rogue: Left / X-Men.
Toad: Unsure.
Sabretooth: Left / HFC.
Damage: Unsure.
Quicksilver: Unsure / targeted for death by HFC.
Scarlet Witch: Unsure / targeted for death by HFC.
Tabitha: Unsure.
Magneto: *ded*
Thorn: Unsure.
Demon: Unsure.
Avalanche: Unsure / vampirism (HFC inductee?).
Blob: Unsure.
Hellion: Unsure / X-Men.

So, that doesn't really leave us with a lot. The question is: should we attempt to keep a Brotherhood going, or let it fall to the wind? I'd prefer to let the pieces fall and see what happens. Cathy plans to drop Mystique and Poison, by the way, and we will be gaining a Quicksilver (and Husk). So we'll see how that pans out.
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[Sep. 26th, 2008|09:08 pm]
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Just wanted to let those of you in the previous danger room thread know that you can post out of turn if you'd like. Luis (Cannonball) feel free to reply to Leigh (Rogue) since she was directly talking to you, it wouldn't make much since for Bobby to chime in yet. Everyone for themselves! =)

-Dan (Iceman)
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Hey kids. [Sep. 24th, 2008|09:23 pm]

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EDIT I meant to mention this earlier, but I forgot until browsing through all three communities and noticing something. lol I know some of you are new, so there's almost no way you could've noticed this, but can we all tag our entries? You can do so by clicking the TAG button of said entry.

Tags for in-character posts should simply be the codenames of the characters involved, separated by commas (ie: magneto, pyro, mystique).

Once you've added tags, they can be viewed within the entry by all, and are recognized one the communities' tags pages. For OOC posts, there are generic terms to describe your type of post such as 'introductions', 'plot discussion', 'character changes', etc. You can look at the OOC tags list to see which to use pertaining to your OOC post. Most player's names are listed amongst the tags as well, so you can slap your name up there and find all your OOC's later. It's just handy. If your character isn't listed or your name isn't on the OOC tags, you can add them in by finding your most recent post and adding it.

[info]x_ooc_x's tags.
[info]x_aftermath_x's tags.
[info]x_flashback_x's tags.

The reason we use the tags is to help ourselves (as well as new players) keep track of each of our characters and to make it easy to find older posts, etc. Plus, it's just an interesting and handy feature. Each character's posts are linked to on the taken page under 'THREADS' at the top of the last two columns. END EDIT.

Just wanted to let everyone know that any X-Men are welcome to join in on this thread. If you're interested, have your character of choice jump in and someone else (even one of us) can have one of their teammates follow. So, it can be anyone, really. 2 Hellions, 2 Corsairs, 2 Acolytes or 2 Exemplars. There are now three Danger Room scenes happening, and while that's awesome, it'd be great to have some folks be thinkin' about the vampires. I know a lot of you are new, but I want to get reactions and thoughts out of the way so we can get to more interesting interactions. Eh? Heck, even a journal entry would work for most folks (even the vampires themselves).

Thanks guys.

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Mission Thread [Sep. 11th, 2008|12:21 pm]

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Does anyone oppose ending it now, or would you like to post your character's reactions? Feel free to do the later. I just wanted some feedback on whether or not we should carry on with the rest of the details or if we should move the plot along to the following days/weeks. Thanks folks for posting like mad yesterday!

The thread in question.


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Attention Mission-Goers [Sep. 10th, 2008|01:33 am]

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Okay. I need everyone involved to please post their characters ASAP in the Cure Mission Thread. Even if you're out of turn, please post their responses and progressive actions to ensure things move along. The Darkseekers are NPCs. Feel free to use them as you'd like, so long as whoever is supposed to get bitten does. We can't keep posting in turn the way that would normally happen, because everyone's schedules are so chaotic. Please post there when you have any chance at all. Since I play both Scott and Storm and they've both been posted twice, I wanted to give everyone a chance to get their responses in before progressing things.

I was really hoping this thread would be finished, or at least at it's climax now. There are so many more interesting things that could be happening and I really believe we need to actually write this mission out. We started mid-way, guys. We can write this out. If you have any questions or concerns, reply here. Poppy, you e-mailed about posting Kitty - go for it. Whenever you'd like. If there aren't any more posts than there currently are, have her reply anyway.

If anyone is confused or has forgotten what was to happen, check the Mission Outline again. It's been nearly 2 weeks since that thread was posted, folks. I wanna get things moving with the new plot. Please and thank you!

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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|09:11 pm]

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Going to summarize the Supply Run thread. (Which included Flux, Shadowcat, Levity and Scoot.)

The group prepares to relay the bags to the vehicle, but get cornered in the front of the store near the exit. They're in a line, up against the wall. As trained, Shadowcat grasps the hands of Levity and Flux, and mutters to Scoot to make a distraction. Scoot takes off, while Levity uses her mutation to calm and slow the creatures as they react to the noise that Scoot makes across the store. Scoot makes it outside. Meanwhile, Flux has concentrated on the other two women she's with, and the light bends around all three, rendering them invisible. Now, unable to be touched or seen, the three make their way quietly toward the exit. Once in the sunlight, they draw back on their mutations and join Scoot in the Hummer. After regrouping, they decide that they can get the bags from inside the store. With Levity outside the doors, and Scoot in the driver's seat of the Hummer, Shadowcat and Flux work silently, hand-in-hand, to retrieve the bags from the front counter while Levity keeps the Darkseekers distracted and confused. Once all has been loaded, they take off for the return to the school.
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|10:33 am]

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As mentioned before, I'm picking up Dazzler. Back when she was in the public eye, she was a mixture of Amy Lee and Pink. Canonly, Colossus, Shadowcat, Jubilee and Juggernaut have been named amongst her fans, but I'm not sure how any of them would feel about this Dazzler's style for music. It's a sort of urban-goth-soul-punk situation. She's really outgoing and cynical, but she tries not to be too much of a downer. If anyone would be interested in hanging out with Alison (check out the profile if you're not sure!), lemme know.

-Beck (and Dazzler!)

P.S. A Rare Dazzler Cover (she writes her own crap, folks).
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[Sep. 2nd, 2008|03:37 am]

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Do stuff.

Oh, and an FYI: Just a reminder.

Darkseekers = homo sapiens cannibals. (Exposed to mutated Mutant Cure [virus])
Vampires = homo superiors bloodsuckers. (Back-exposed, from mouth-to-flesh contact to a de-evolved Cure Virus)

And this was IMed to me from Jordan. Thought I'd share it with you all. Batman Interrogates The Joker.
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Good day everyone. [Aug. 31st, 2008|09:48 am]

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I am Sebastian Shaw. You may call me 'your Majesty'. For the record, I like long walks on the beach and offing homo sapiens. I will soon be overtaking your role playing experience, so I thought it only fair to let you know, at least.

I am a vampire and I like it that way. My Hellfire Club is being rebuilt as you read this (you can read, yes?) and together we will overtake this ragtag, rubbish-filled excuse for a planet and refine the status of life for our kind. Mutants, of course. If you'd care to join me, I'm accepting applications for extremely powerful, obedient mutants who are also vampires. Qualify?

Probably not.

The Black King

P.S. Mudbloods need not apply.
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Mission Outline [Aug. 30th, 2008|12:08 pm]

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This isn't an official 'tag!', so if you'd prefer your character to not be involved with this ordeal, then please let me know. If you would, and they are listed, comment with your thoughts, questions and/or concerns!


Locate and detain infected humans en masse. Administer radiation-based cure (via gun-type weapons).

Specific group of Darkseekers found are wise to cure-efforts and have planned an ambush. X-Men are rushed by massive numbers - are clawed, bitten and ravished. Kitty would have to get bitten straight away - her training suggests she phases at the slightest noise, etc. Colossus would come next, just before turning metal. Psylocke, Storm, Northstar and Mars would be last. Psylocke could help push back the infected mentally. Loads of possibilities.

There will be relief! There is a surprise resolution to this whole, horrible ordeal that will both please and shock! So, beware!
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Massive OOC of Boredom! [Aug. 26th, 2008|05:13 am]

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We're trying out a new (minor) piece of plot. Rob and I thought it'd be interesting if Xavier's started using the concept of teams/squads from Cyclops/Storm down to Artie and Leech. People would be placed into these based on their personalities and most likely would be encouraged to train together, would be sent out together and to help each other out around the school/grounds. So, let us know what you think. Yay canon! If everyone would like to go check out this page: Squads, that'd be savvy. Please comment with any questions, thoughts or changes. If your characters aren't mentioned, it's because I didn't want to take any liberties. Feel free to shuffle things around. No one's feelings will be hurt. All of this would begin shortly before or shortly after the restart.

Pulse now belongs to Rob.
Karma now belongs to Beck.
Dan has picked up Hellion. ([info]hell_bent)
Jordan has picked up Wicked. ([info]haunted_)
Beck has picked up Dazzler. ([info]offendthesenses)
Beck has added Diamond to her 'temporary' characters (which also includes Cyclops).
Beck has put Scoot and Toad on hiatus.

On Monday, the mission will be posted In Character that will crack our vampire!plot wide open. Before then, look for an outline and chance for discussion/questions. The mission will begin after they've arrived and begun their tasks, already in full swing. I don't want to risk wasting time or causing boredom for something that doesn't necessarily need to be written out, but will trigger bigger, more dramatic events and themes. I still believe it will be a very important plot point to write out though, and fun to boot.

Recently, Dan and I have been updating lists like mad, but I'm afraid some are still out of date. So, if you'd all check over some of these links for us, and comment with corrections or thoughts, that would be a great help.
THE SCREEN NAMES LIST (If your character's screen name was not chosen by you, feel free to choose a different one.)
WANTED SCENES (If you haven't done this yet, please do! Comment on that page with a link to your list!)
CONTACTS (Make sure you're up to date!)
RULES - They've been updated and condensed. ^_^


P.S. Has everyone heard about Johnny Depp being the new Riddler in the next installment of Batman? Worse still (I'm a Johnny fan, a Riddler fan and a Batman fan, and I don't think this is a good idea. I hope Nolan makes me eat my words), Cher is rumored to be the next Catwoman. 'Older and more menacing'. Wait... Catwoman's a sex icon and an athlete. So...
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Open Post [Aug. 20th, 2008|10:58 pm]
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Hey all, Thorn and Rogue have had their little private time and the post is now marked as open. So if anyone's peeps wanna interrupt/involve/notice/ask 'what the f'/whatever their fun little game, feel free to join in the insanity!
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Hey! Updates. [Aug. 14th, 2008|06:26 am]

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[Current Mood | sleepy]

Have a few updates for all you fine folks!

I really need to get some feedback on the vampire storyline, so lemme know what you're thinking by commenting here or in the previous OOC post so far as your thoughts go on the subject and what sort of plot you'd prefer for your specific character(s) where the vampire theme is concerned.

I made a list of Birthdays/Zodiac Signs: Here.

Rob is going to introduce a new character ASAP - [info]sentient_. He's an original and some of you might remember him from over at GJ. He hasn't been played in a while and we thought he could use some dusting off. A quick run-down on Sentient/Conlan: He's 20, has been at Xavier's for 5 or so years, he's an 'animator' (so far as his mutation is concerned) and he is Mars/Ronan's younger brother.

We lost Mel, who was the player of Quicksilver, Aurora and Shock. So, those characters are now open again, and have been removed from the lists, etc.

Okay - VAMPIRES. If you haven't let me know which of your characters you planned to have turn or be involved, please please please do so. If you'd prefer not to participate actively with that plot theme, that's fine too. I just need to know either way. Please keep in mind that one vampire per four character guideline. So if you have eight characters, you could technically play two vampires, etc. Our thoughts on the beginnings of this particular storyline...

We were hoping that 90% of the vampires to be turned could be in a horrible failure of a mission together where all but one or two people get bitten/scratched. There is a bit of yet-to-be-mentioned plot for the element of surprise. I'll bring it up as we get closer to the time to start threads. As far as the timeline goes, I really hope that we can fast forward to October. Two months after the prom - plenty of time for the X-Men to get going with administering the cure. This is going to be done with gun-like weapons that were developed by some of the science guys where they were able to concentrate the radiation-like output of the machine (found on the Washington DC mission) into rays. So, mutants that go on these missions have to have a great deal of control and need to be trusted by all other members of the teams. It's not likely many Brotherhood members would be going on these missions, for more than one reason. The weapons are heavily protected within the complex. The government has been contacted about a cure, however, they were not given information about the specific method. By the time we start threads, society will be taking the first steps to getting back on its feet. Normal humans would be beginning to rally together and the specific governments of different countries are beginning to take charge once more (battling rebels and rogue mutants all the while). I'd really prefer the focus to be less on curing infected humans (as we're trying to skip over that part) and more on society and social issues and the condition that will be overtaking some of our X-Men and other mutants throughout the world.

Lastly, just so it's clear, these vampires are not the undead sort. So, they can go longer without needing human blood, they have no need to 'feed' before having sexual interactions (males) and they have reflections in mirrors, etc.

So, gimme some feedback, any kind.

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Cookie and Blobby [Aug. 9th, 2008|06:43 pm]
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I snagged two more characters: Gertrude Taylor and Fredrick Dukes.

Gert ([info]cordonbleu) is the cook, but more importantly, she's a very motherly figure. She has a lot in her history, from her life partner dying of breast cancer, to experiencing discrimination and finding a home with cooking. I foresee late night heart-to-hearts, so if your character needs advice or a few dozen cookies, feel free to just slap up a tag for her. :)

Freddy ([info]thefatoftheland) is, well, Blob. He's canon, but I've added a little more depth than might be in the comics. He's dyslexic and very accustomed to hiding it, and he has that hint of sadness from not being able to articulate his thoughts, be appreciated among the Brotherhood, or have solid friendships. I'd love for him to develop a crush on Jean or Rogue (both, maybe, lol) through backdated threads, be jealous of Colossus, and cling to the now crumbling Brotherhood (he is really upset with Pyro and Rogue, especially). He needs a better PB, too! If you can think of anyone famous, looks 25, and is reallllly fat, please share!

I'll keep updating my wanted scenes list, so check it out if you're bored and want to scene. :D

Okay, thanks!
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[Aug. 8th, 2008|09:12 pm]

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Hey folks! I want to get some feedback on the plot now that we've decided what to do (majority says 'vampires!', btw).

So, A) please tell me which of your character(s) for sure you would like to have become vampires and B) if anyone objects to a multi-character mission where the majority of them would get turned. A Darkseeker ambush, maybe. Or some other such fun. Thoughts? I think that that would be scary, personally.

Anyhow, this is one of the last steps to climb before getting the plot going, so please comment with your responses! Thanks,


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So... plot suggestions. [Aug. 3rd, 2008|07:01 am]

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With out cure virus plot coming to a close, I wanted to pitch a few ideas and see if anything spoke to anyone. We've all discussed things happening in the future before, so far as plot goes. Sentinels and what not, etc. Here are some other things to consider, some or none of which have to happen. It's up to you guys. But I think either of these (or both at once!) storylines would rock.

First: There's Ra. )

Second: Vampires? )

Please let me know what you think - any and everyone. Even if some of this has been mentioned to you before. I'm lookin' at you, Cathy. Comment! We (everyone!) like you. Really. Let us know you're alive via OOC. lol <3 Discuss amongst yourselves.

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ATTN: All female X-Men (or X-Affiliated) characters. [Jul. 31st, 2008|02:28 pm]
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Hey guys,

So, Beck and I got to talking about my OC Wren the other evening and we both decided it was time for her to start finding her place at the mansion. It's been a little over five months since I brought her in and she's still sort stuck, as it were. But, I think we came up with a pretty brilliant solution to get her integrated into the scheme of things around here.

So, here's what we propose: An all girl supply run mission! Yeah, I know, that doesn't sound very 'ground-breaking,' but there's more to it than meets the eye. ;) We thought it'd be fun/interesting for Wren to actually save the other girls during the trip from - you guessed it! - Darkseekers. It'd definitely be occurring before the prom and before the cure is put into effect (unless a few infected humans slipped under the radar somehow, of course).

Anyway, we think that this whole episode make Wren seriously consider joining the X-Men's ranks, which, in turn, will give her more purpose in the game. I do realize that Wren's not the roughest, toughest, or meanest person around, but I think she has potential to be a good member of the team - in time, at least.

I also believe this will help her gain a few more friends. I'm sure she must've made some connections with people already, so I'd like to get those established (or on their way to getting established) now. So, if you want your character(s) to be friends or enemies, or whatever with her, let me know and we can work something out.

Other than that, I don't have much else to add. But, I do think I'd like to get this scene/thread started sometime within the next week or so. So, if any of you (or your girls) are interested, comment here and I'll make a line-up list!

- Leigh (Jeanix, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Psylocke, Boom Boom, Matrix & Wren)

EDIT: And there's the line-up: Levity, Scoot, Shadowcat & Wren.

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So! [Jul. 26th, 2008|04:27 am]

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John's coming back. I just wanted to clear a few things up, since I haven't had a chance to write anything for him since the fight with Bobby. I plan to carrying on with that thread, actually, but it's planned that Colossus will join John and Demon outside. So that'll help move things along some.

In short, he's coming back to the X-Men. He has several reasons, which would probably do really well put into a blog entry, so I might do that eventually. But I just didn't want his loyalties up in the air during the prom thread. So, I'm off to get him a prom date. :D

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The Englishman that lives in my head was wondering... [Jul. 24th, 2008|03:52 am]

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Who everyone is taking to the prom. So, I thought I'd do a little list and see who all was paired up and who was single so maybe folks can comment and get dates for those who need them and/or laugh at other pairs that have been established. XD

So, here's what I know so far:

Folks who might like dates to take?

I could see maybe DEMON or SHOCK accompany X-Ladies, but feel free to go stag. Whoot.

I'd also like to call out an activity check, so if you catch this, try and comment with a "I'm here" at the very least. If your characters need help getting a date, comment on that, instead. lol

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Introduction! [Jul. 21st, 2008|10:31 pm]
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I'm Poppy, and I picked up Kitty. :) She's been played before on this site, and I think I'm caught up on the gist of what's happening with Iceman and Rogue and .. Are those the only people old Kitty's roleplayed with?
Anyway, I'd be grateful for a skim of Kitty's profile, just so everyone could get an idea of my easy-going, conscientious, spontaneous, (naive) Shadowcat. I also posted a wanted scenes list that mostly includes basic interactions with her age group, DR training with Logan or another older X-Man (I saw in the Darkseeker attack she didn't do very much offensively; maybe she could feel insecure about her inability to help?), and general Kitty geeking out and nerding it up.

I'm all for threading via whatever, ij or google docs or e-mail - I'm not a big fan of AIM, but I can get over it. xD I'd love to clarify relationships, considering Kitty's history here, and jump into the action - is there a prom coming up? Does Kitty have a date? Feel free to contact me via AIM (toeatbrains) to chat or plot.

As a blurb about me, I'm 17, in California, and chilling this summer while waiting for my senior year to come up. I play the string bass, I'm on the color guard, and I'm like president for Speech and Debate. (Lizard Queen of the Dorks, I know!) I've roleplayed for like ever, and I dig Star Wars, Heroes, Conan O'Brien, Avatar: TLA, and, naturally, Marvel. I love Astonishing X-Men and sometimes Ultimate (like the crossover with Kitty and Spider-Man? <3). Coooooool.

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[Jul. 20th, 2008|06:07 am]

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Hello, mein leiblings! It seems the majority wishes to move things along with the mission thread, so we'll be doing that. If there's anything that you'd like to add to it or would like it to be known that your character did, please comment here and I'll add it into the list of things that occurred, and then link I'll to it in the actual mission thread. So, even if you've said something to me or another player about a plot point or character interactions you'd like to have happened, comment about it anyway so everyone can know about it. I'll begin writing up the summary ASAP and it will be posted up in the previous thread where the mission was discussed (which is linked to above). So, please please please let me know what you hope to happen with your character(s) on the Washington DC mission. Don't let 'em be left out!

For now, figure out who the hell you're taking to the damned prom.

LOL Ahem. That was my inner-Pyro coming out. Excuse him. I think he's jealous.

I've updated the links lists around the community to include a link to everyone's wanted scenes (ie; the wanted scenes page) as well as a link to this page: JOURNAL ENTRIES which is spankin' new and can be located underneath this entry. There are descriptions under each section - so you know where you can comment and whatnot. Comments and more entries are welcome! They'll be added in as they're posted.

I want to post up the prom thread soon, by the way - sometime in the next day or so. After that's through, we can post all of our X-Men (and Brotherhood?) wandering through the counter (and world?) delivering the cure to all those super cute infected humans. XD

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So. [Jul. 19th, 2008|02:33 am]

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Uh. Our mission thread is moving at break-neck pace. I'd really prefer to write a lot of it out - or at least the important parts. But no one is posting in there as frequently as should be, so, I'd like to ask everyone now who is involved:

Would you prefer to continue it (it's been weeks now, and they've only just gotten started) or would you prefer to finesse the summary a bit more and move on and get the cure stuff over with?

I think at this point I'd prefer the latter, but I also know it sucks not getting to do cool shit with your pups.



P.S. Once the cure is found (last week of July, 2008 [25th-31st] - in character) we'll start doing missions to administer the cure, so that could be fun. We could have ten missions going at once, whee! So, think about it. :D Oh, and there's the ... prom to consider. lol

P.S.S. Please please please update your friends lists! PLEASE! You can do so here: CONTACT LIST. Just log in and then type the username you're logged in as in the friendlister box (says 'MAKE FRIENDS' on the button) and press enter. Then log in as any other characters you have and do it again. It'll add and remove whoever needs to be. I've updated several of my character's journals with both private and public entries, so people can comment wherever they see fit! Hope to see some of the same from you guys!
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Updates! News! Things to read! [Jul. 13th, 2008|06:05 pm]

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This group reaches the R&D labs and after rifling through a few goodies they locate the room where the machine is kept and begin inspecting it. Brian and Poison show particular interest. Due to a mishap with TEAM B, the power is delayed and comes on in an uncontrolled burst - causing the machine to fire up. It emits a massive amount of radiation (which is contained in the room). Britannic grabs Poison (who was examining the piece with him) and envelopes them both in a forcefield. Shard, who was watching the door, is hit with the raw force of it and his tissues are severely damaged. It's unclear at this point what the machine does. The others are alerted and Britannic inspects Shard carefully. He requests that TEAM C joins them immediately - as all of their mutations are required. After conferring with Poison, it's decided that the machine was meant to be a weapon against mutants, and Brian realizes that they need to take it along. Thusly, Wolverine is needed to help remove the massive machine. Nightcrawler is needed to transport Shard to the jet and out of harm's way. Matrix is required to shut the machine down carefully so no information or hardware is damaged in the process.

Mars decides to take a shortcut off the map en route to the main power controls and despite Iceman and Zap's concerns, they follow suit. After entering the unchartered, dark room, Zap realizes there are several creatures present, though unseen. Mars tells the two younger parties to stay behind and presses on to scope things out. Despite their orders, Zap urges Iceman to follow her and they go after Mars. After a blaze of gunfire, the younger X-Men realize Mars is surrounded by Darkseekers and out of ammo. Iceman scopes out the remainder of the area and watches their rear while Zap concentrates on Mars and takes down all of the creatures (no more than 30) that surround him. This severely weakens her, and when they finally reach the generators and main controls, her attempt to initiate the power results in an overload that blows much of the electrical equipment throughout the structure and causes the rest to go haywire - thus starting the machine that Britannic and Poison are inspecting.

Despite Nightcrawler and Wolverine's best efforts to get Matrix to the main computer, due to the lack of time after the power is started and when they are needed elsewhere, Matrix is only able to gather half the information she might have been able to otherwise. Amongst the files is information concerning mutants, weaponry (the locations of the unactivated sentinels) and military history. TEAM C is called to R&D by Britannic and they go to work. Matrix shuts down the machine and manages to save the information within. Wolverine uses his claws to release the hefty piece of machinery and tells Mars to meet them outside the hall of the largest lab. Nightcrawler teleports Shard to the jet and continues minor medical attention on him. After Mars, Iceman and Zap's arrival, Wolverine instructs Mars to fire as many RPGs as it takes to make a hole directly from the lab below ground up to the jet outside. This, of course, attracts attention. Britannic uses the new route to fly the machine up and outside and he and Kurt secure it to the jet. Poison, Matrix, Wolverine, Zap, Iceman and Mars use available abilities and weaponry to return to the surface through the forced tunnel back to ground level and are greeted by a hungry pack of Darkseekers. Poison, Wolverine, Iceman and Mars make a path for Zap (weakened) and Eva (toting the precious files) to the jet.

Once on the jet, everyone gets strapped in and take off is almost immediate. Mars pilots, Logan 'co-pilots', Britannic and Zap sit with Shard (despite Zap's [and other peoples'] disgust in Brian for allowing him to be injured at all, while Poison remains untouched), Matrix works to send some of the information back to Cyclops at the mansion. During the flight, Wolverine contacts Storm to tell her they're returning and that Shard is wounded - possibly mortally.

First and least important item on the agenda: I updated my wanted scenes list. Like, hardcore revamp. So check it out.

Second and slightly more important item on the agenda. I made a new character and you can find her at [info]scoot_. So that's fun times.

Finally! I would like do a fast forward to the end of July, if at all possible. It is in fact, possible, so, we'll be doing it.

It begins immediately, though all current threads can continue as needed, no rush. Since there's a big old piece of plot running around in the form of our mission thread, I thought it would be savvy to have a discussion here and leave an outline of what is going to occur and the six players involve can react / add in accordingly. Please please please feel free to add to this. Only a few people have discussed ideas for the mission for their specific characters and we want things to be well-rounded. So, comment away and I'll add things in. ^_^

- Britannic, Poison and Shard find a mutant-sensing/attacking machine.
- The machine is activated.
- Shard gets hit by the machine's radiation.
- Zap saves Mars' life before turning on the power.
- Matrix steals thousands of files of information concerning mutants, weaponry and military history.
- Britannic saves Poison from radiation with forcefield, not Shard.
- Wolverine helps Britannic remove the machine.
- Mars uses rocket propelled grenade to make a hole from lower levels to ground floor / the jet.
- Britannic flies machine up to the Blackbird II.
- Nightcrawler bamfs! Shard to the safety of the jet.
- Wolverine sits co-pilot on the flight back, Mars pilots.

- Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Matrix find Darkseekers.
- Group is met by Darkseekers outside - small scuffle?
- Wolverine has phone / smart!com discussion with Storm on the flight back.
- Zap spends the flight back with an unconscious Shard.
- Britannic is emo on the flight back. (Okay, this will happen no matter what.)

So, what I'd like to happen now is for things to move along. Our next big piece of plot is finding the cure, which will be in progress for the next current-time threads that are posted. The discovery of this machine and all of the information taken from the mission will lead directly to the discovery of the cure. Things will begin to change - methods of administration will be discussed and carried out. Teams will need to go on frequent missions. The Brotherhood will evolve; sink or swim! The secret locations of sentinel storage are located via the DC information. Loads of things!

All of that, and then the personal plots that are going on with all the characters.

So, I need feedback here guys. Lemme know what you're all thinking and what you'd like to happen. Please, please, please don't be shy! Update your wanted lists, as well! Here's a link to the page where everyone's is linked to: WANTED SCENES. Thanks folks,


P.S. I've started utilizing the TAGS system here on InsaneJournal. The OOC contains tags, as well as the IC. So, when you make an OOC post, please put a lowercase version of your name as the tag, at the least. Then we can look back and see what all we've posted here or find information we need that might get lost. Here's a link to the page with all the OOC tags. They need to be consistent to work, so if you want to label something, check it out here: OOC TAGS first. I'll add a link to the OOC TAGS page in the "INFO/LINKS" page right now. Hope this helps! Also, when you make an IN CHARACTER post, please add whatever characters you're including in the thread to the tags box. You can always go back and edit by clicking the button in the center of the thread at the top of the page that says 'TAG'. It's in the yellow box at the top of every post.
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So... Emma? [Jul. 3rd, 2008|01:45 pm]

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I know I've been dying to have my characters interact with her, but free time always seems to be an issue for Emma players, and now that I play her, it's not as interesting to me to interact with her. Lol. However, I thought someone might want to, so, despite what plot I have in mind for Emma, if anyone would like to come to her for help with their powers or questions concerning sexual matters (she's gotta exercise that therapist's license sometime!) lemme know! Or toss up a thread and tag her, I'm open to anything, and she's really bored. I know she's been in one or two threads, but if those players involved would like to retcon those bits, that's fine by me. Also, so I don't bury Mel's awesome intro for her two new pups ...

Yus! This is Mel bringing you two new kids for the lulz.

Aurora is twin sister to Northstar and as mentally unstable as they come. She enjoys long walks on the beach, cocktails and church, no dancing, no church... :) She has flight, superspeed and blinding/healing light powers.

Shock is quite different. Kind of a radical, but satisfied to stand behind the big boys and let them duke it out for him. He can conduct electricity through liquid bases, water is the strongest for him. He's kind of an asshole and very protective over his beer. He doesn't care what you think, but if you've got boobs or a nice ass, he might take the time out of his busy schedule to listen to what you have to say. Also, don't be alarmed if he's not wearing a shirt. He's allergic to them.

If anyone would like to plot it up with them, give me a buzz on AIM. XD

-Beck (and Mel)
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Okay! Some organization, thoughts and lists - whee! [Jun. 15th, 2008|12:45 pm]

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Okay - future plot first:

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this any place in the communities, so I'm going to clear things up and make sure everyone knows where we're headed.

There is going to be a mission to the Pentagon in DC including 9 individuals - no Brotherhood, sorry. They will be covering as much ground as possible during their time in the building(s) and gathering whatever information they can pertaining to mutants and the cure and any medical studies.

There may or may not be any of the following:

immune humans
infected humans
other mutants
military or government figures

So, that should be interesting to see who pops up. Things will be pretty open-ended, so we can have some adventures.



These folks have been chosen for a few reasons. A) to have a variety of players involved and B) for their combat skills/maneuverability, military/weapons experience or technological intelligence/ability - some have more than a few of these. There will be three teams that split up for the search - techies, scientists (with a combatant) and sneaky folks (with a combatant). All parties will be able to communicate via headset, so no one is split off completely - from other individuals or other groups. Here are the teams:


If anyone has any thoughts - lemme know!

So - their findings will lead to the discovery of the cure and some shady dealings by the government.

Of course, as per usual, this will fuel Magneto's fire, and with the cure in sight, he'll be up to no good. Whee! And speaking of Magneto, I wanted to make sure there weren't any other people who wanted/needed interactions with him before things get underway or the plot shifts. So, here's the list I have at the moment.

Mystique (in progress)
Polaris (in progress)
Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch (semi-in progress)
Wolverine (with Storm?)

Miss anyone?

Also - due to the lack of activity we had a while back, we've all been playing catch up, so lots of characters are in more than one thread. If you're about to be tagged for the upcoming mission, don't worry about closing threads out where the 2-thread limit rule is concerned. I do think we need to get lots of threads closed out, however, and get some new ones up. But we've all been working really hard to keep things moving and to help each other get things for our character accomplished and I'm really grateful and have been having loads of fun. So, I think we're on the up and up. Comment with questions or concerns, etc!


-Beck (and Dan in spirit)
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MEEP! [Jun. 8th, 2008|07:42 pm]

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I know I told Bec (to let Rob know!) that I was going to post a thread for Kitty and Logan for training. Sorry I haven't posted it yet! We had some family over and our air is out, of course when it hits 90+, so it's been miserably hot and it definitely makes me feel kind of ill because of the heat. But I will definitely try and post it either later tonight or tomorrow in my nice air conditioned office.

SO! I didn't forget! I promise!

Leigh, I didn't forget about our Rogue/Kitty thread, either!

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[Jun. 4th, 2008|11:08 am]

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Hi everyone!

I'm glad the lull in the game is seeming to clear up. Leigh's email to do a log with Rogue and Kitty made me all kinds of happy, so that's well under way. Since I'm still here, I'd really like to get Kitty more involved and iron out what's going on with her friendships/relationships with people around the school. I'm not sure, at this time, if she's going to find out about Rogue and Bobby's meeting (Leigh, should we plot to make that happen during their run-in?) -- but I can say for sure that if she does find out, Kitty has probably been very, very down and has continued keeping to herself.

You can still reach me on AIM at kakkoi kellie, or email me at zangarmarshling@gmail.com to get in touch with me. I would prefer email since I'm not always on AIM. Just let me know if you want to do some sort of log (thread or GDoc please) with Kitty, and I'll be more than happy to comply. I'd really like to be more active with Kitty since I do enjoy playing her. :)

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Loss. [May. 30th, 2008|07:34 am]

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Daniel's decided to not continue to play - so we've lost our Cyclops and Angel. They're up for grabs - or if anyone knows a player who isn't a member of the game that would like to play either of them, let them know we have open characters.

Thanks guys,


P.S. Please remember to post any last replies to threads that are already established. Once we're nearly done, I'll post the fast-forward and then anything we have left to write out can be backdated. Looking at mid-June for the landing time in the jump. :) And the cure will be right around the corner - ASAP.
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Inspiration (not from concentrate) [Apr. 6th, 2008|09:27 pm]
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As you'll notice in the IC community a memo was posted from Xavier to all of the characters. I did this in hopes of inspiring players to be more involved with their character's journals. Feel free to write a blog entry about it (private or public), chat about it, e-mail about it, etc.

I know some of you are itching to post on your free time, but I want everyone to realize it's not always necessary to start a new thread, especially one that you feel doesn't contribute to plot or character development. There are countless opportunities to be creative within your journal.

Also, there are some that haven't made or updated their "Wanted Scenes" list, so please do so when it's convenient.

Thanks, that's all.

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Two all beef patties... [Mar. 29th, 2008|03:58 pm]

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Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know you can respond away to Magneto/Cyclops in THIS thread. Thanks!
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News! [Mar. 23rd, 2008|10:38 pm]

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Alrighty! Feel free to post new threads/logs that pertain to the aftermath of the attack thread. I won't officially close the thread out until tomorrow night, but I think it's time to count our losses and lick our wounds, eh?

In other news, we have a new player (Scott) who will be playing (coincidently) Alex Summers, or Havok. So look forward to an intro from him. We also have a hold on Wolverine, yay! So, two new players and pups.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I'll be trying to tap the muses tonight and get some replies done (mostly backdated threads).

Last thing - I updated the character X-suit icons to include Havok. If anyone wants their character(s) done out, lemme know. Even if they're Brotherhood. And feel free to edit the icons (brushes, textures, lights, text, etc).

-Beck (and Dan)
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[Mar. 22nd, 2008|07:36 pm]

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Hey, just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page.

ICEMAN (severe body trauma)
NORTHSTAR (severe body trauma)
THORN (lost consciousness)
DEMON (stabbed, punched out)
BOOM BOOM (bitten)

If there's anyone else, well, that's fine, but I just wanted to make note that there aren't any people in the makeshift infirmary in the foyer. Northstar is the only one left up there. Nightclawer delivered the twins to the lab downstairs and Iceman is having surgery. Boom Boom hasn't gone inside, and no one else has either. There is no one injured aside the people listed above, because we have no NPCs. All characters were involved, so if they did show up in the foyer, then they aren't there and that means there are no injured people there.

There's been some confusion.

Thanks and happy Easter (or whatever the public schools are calling it now)

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