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[Nov. 1st, 2008|03:51 am]
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Who: Hellion & Professor X
When: Friday, November 28th, 2008
Where: Somewhere in rural New York
What: The time is coming
Status: Complete
Rating:  PG

Getting into trouble is what I do best, remember? )
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[Jun. 8th, 2008|05:09 pm]

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Who: Sabretooth; tag Xavier
When: Wednesday, April 16th, 2008
Where: Xavier's Office
What: lost memories
Status: in progress
Rating: PG

What was this... a prison? )
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Clash of the Titans [Jan. 26th, 2008|10:58 pm]

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Who: Prof X & Magneto
What: a meeting / Magneto pleads his case
When: February 20th, 2008 (late afternoon, early evening - just before dark)
Where: Xavier's School for the Gifted
Status: in progress
Rating: PG-13

Shall you stay for dinner? )
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