K, that's a little strange. - April 27th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
K, that's a little strange.

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April 27th, 2005

[Apr. 27th, 2005|05:10 pm]
[mood | weird]

Scheme preys on people who mistype 'Google.com'

Security researchers have discovered an attack aimed at would-be visitors to Google.com, one that attempts to download malicious programs onto the computers of people who simply mistype the search giant's Web address.


Wow. Watch what you type, kids!
linkWhat the...

Testicles gone in 'wrong op' [Apr. 27th, 2005|07:48 pm]
[music |suicide machines]

linkWhat the...

80( [Apr. 27th, 2005|07:52 pm]
SNAGGED from an LJ friend's journal because, well, read it.

There's a gay board I frequent, and for some reason my presence in tolerated (gay male trapped in a female body probably). Anyway, they started talking about the lovely Billie/Tre kiss and all of the other Billie/Random Guy loving, and all of a sudden there were girls admitting to being 12...12...saying that they were hotter than Adrienne and if they got the chance to fuck him they'd turn him completely straight.


Jesus fucking christ. When I was twelve, I looked like a twelve year old and was still only interested in proving a girl could play any sport just like a guy. Fuck. What is wrong with you little fucks?!?
linkWhat the...

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