Write Me A Letter

The Letter Writing Fiction Challenge

Journal Info

Write Me a Letter


January 29th, 2008


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What can I claim?

A character, pairing, thresome/moresome, or a group of characters. Any fandom is welcome. If you're not sure if what you want is allowable, just ask.

How many things can I claim?

There is no limit as long as you are working on them all at the same time. If you genuinely believe you can work on ten claims at the same time without neglecting any of them, who am I to stop you? You're clearly insane, but that's your problem, not mine.

Can I write with a partner?

Yes, but that means you have to write all of them together. No alternating.

Can I split a claim with someone else?

Yes but state that when you claim and how many fics you'll each be writing

How many people can claim something?

Two people can claim any specific thing at one time for each table. However, if two people already have Gil Grissom that doesn't mean people can't claim Gil/Sara or Nick/Warrick or anything else they fancy or you can pick a different table and claim Gil on that. IE two people can claim Table 1 for Gil but then no one else can claim that table for Gil until one of them is done, but you could claim Table 2 for Gil.

What's the minimum or maximum length?

At least 100 words. No word limit, write as much as you like.

What ratings are accepted here?

Any and all. Just give adequate warnings and hide anything R or above behind a cut please.

Are crossovers allowed?

Absolutely. As long as your claimed character/pairing/group is featured you can do whatever you want with them.

Is Real Person Fic allowed?

Yes it is now.

Can I use previously written fic?

No, not unless you've rewritten it.

Can I use multiple prompts for one story?

No. One prompt per story.

What if there's a prompt I just can't write for?

Since I didn't give you any writer's choice prompts you can replace one your prompts another appropriate prompts.

Do I have to write them in order?

Absolutely not.

Can I apply fic to more than one challenge?

It's okay with us as long as it's okay with the other community that you're writing for. The finished fics can of course go wherever you want.

What exactly do I have to write?

If you've claimed a letter you have to write a letter from your character for every single prompt. If you've claimed a pairing or group one of the pairing/group must be the letter writer and another must be the 'recipient' (by which I mean the person it's addressed to whethe or not they actually recieve it).

Do I have to alternate characters if I claim a pairing or group?

You don't have to have the first letter from character A and then the second letter from character B. However you must have each claimed character write at least one letter. The first eight can all be from character A if you really want as long as 9 and 10 are from characters B and C respectively (depending obviously on how many characters you have). If they're all from the same person then claim that character not a group of characters.

Do they actually have to be letters?

They have to be some form of communication akin to a letter. That can include emails or video messages (see the SGA episode Letters from Pegasus for a good example of that). It must be some form of communication from one person to another that isn't interactive ie character A has to finish their letter/email/video without the reciepient being involved in it.

Are there any deadlines?

Deadlines? What are those? No but if you're not posting and there's a wait for the claim, I'll contact you to see if you're still interested.

Where do I find the tables?

For claims of ten prompts the tables are posted to this comm and linked from the sidebar and the userinfo. For 25 or 50 prompts you need to go to and look at the prompts there.

Headers and cuts:

I'm not going to tell you what header you have to use, but please include all the relevant information outside the cut. ie Title, Author, Fandom, Pairing, Rating and Warnings. Put the fic behind a cut or use a fake cut to your own journal if you want.

Please make sure you give the proper warnings for anything that might disturb people. If you want to put them at the bottom of the fic to avoid spoilers that's fine as long as you make it clear that's what you're doing and how to find them.


I'll give you a tag when your claim is approved. Please try to use them.
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Prompt Tables

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Table 1

Interest Time Woods Sleeping In Surprised
Content Dance Candles Babble Daydreaming

Table 2

Moonlight Stolen Moment Carriage Past Present
Freedom Excited Grumpy Imagine Joker

Table 3

Home Work Quick Apology Missing You
Drink Temper Sweet Scribble Forget

Table 4

Curious Decisions School Movies Chocolate
Amused Peaceful Promise Lost Found

Table 5

Gold Happy Moment Love Letter Messenger
Awake Music Months Books Confused

Table 6

Wet Monday Pen Confidence Answer
Question Sympathy Friend Together Champagne

Table 7

Belief Campfire Dream Touch Hopeful
Wind Tattoo Creative Forever Anonymous

Table 8

Heaven Hell Angel Demon Priest
Pray Sin Virtue Death Blessing

Table 9

Ghost Elf Vampire Lycanthrope Enchantment
Curse Psychic Wizard Genie Faun

Table 10

Earth Air Fire Water Spirit
Dark Light Mind Body Void

Table 11

Autumn Spring Summer Winter Day
Night Dawn Dusk Midnight Midday

Table 12

Ship Hologram Computer Genius Exploration
Human Alien Space Science Robot

Table 13

Love Lust Kinky Toys Leather
Restraint Silk Submissive Ring Voyeur

Table 14

Birthday Christmas New Year Valentine's Day Summer Holiday
Thanksgiving Easter Halloween Anniversary Any Day

Table 15

Poetry Gift Wooing First Date Wedding
Flirtation Secret Rose Destiny Love

Table 16

Saloon Brothel Gun Hat Boots
Camp Dust Cattle Whisky Telegraph

Table 17

Mystery Theft Detective Clue Arrest
Guilt Innocence Victim Investigate Crime

Table 18

Motorbike Pet Diamond Rain Years
Strangers Silver Gift Hours Football

Table 19

Athens Rome New York London Paris
Berlin Cairo Rio Sydney Beijing

Table 20

Beach Hotel Camping Sun Sea
Museum Sight Seeing Relax Travel Photographs

Table 21

Amused Angry Bored Calm Cheerful
Disappointed Loved Mischievous Nostalgic Worried

Table 22

Black Canary Yellow Forest Green Gold Midnight Blue
White Royal Purple Sepia Shocking Pink Silver

Table 23

Adultery Court Room Cat Fog Spaghetti
Typewriter Gothic FBI Pumpkin Pillow

Table 24

School Professor Study Library Books
Assignment Student Desk Blackboard Computer

Table 25

Wish Party Presents Beer Flowers
Bird Kite Cross Remember Flag

Table 26

Carnival Dancing Costumes Secret Surprise
Alcohol Street Colours Women Sex

Table 27

Conclusion Journey Notebook Friend Enemy
Alone Pleasure Unexpected Night Explore

Table 28

Beginning Middle End Consequences Wonder
Mistake Chance Success One Waffles

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