Jul. 13th, 2011


Who: Blaise Zabini and Luna Lovegood
What: Blaise doesn't want to believe in nargles and other obscure creatures
When: About a month after this
Where: Diagon Alley

He had begun flipping through the Quibbler on a regular basis )

Apr. 4th, 2011


Magical Mystery Invitation Across the Fandoms

Released to the wilds of the vast universes throughout time and dimensions, the invitations to the party are part Time Lord psychic paper tech and part good old magic. They don't have to appear in traditional guise, though they might be a colourful card or banner, a flying paper plane or possibly a delicate origami crane. These invites could be text via your cell or the phone itself, a surprise playback from a CD or DVD, part of a painting you've not noticed at the museum, the towel of a Hitchhiker or new info on his Guide, or anything at all relating to the invitee's own time and place in the scheme of everything that ever was, will be, is.

Dear Recipient )

((OOC: Everyone is welcome to start their own subthread here. If anything occurs which a lot of people might notice, like the Weasley twins setting off fireworks lol, I'll be sure to point that out in the OOC comm. This doesn't mean the twins have to appear but they make such a good example of how to attract a lot of attention!))

Mar. 21st, 2011


A Meeting of Strange Minds

Who: Luna and Sirius (anyone else who would be there is welcome to chime in, of course!)
What: an Order meeting
Where: #12 Grimmauld
When: 5th year, Fall

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down* )

Mar. 18th, 2011


Who: Harry and Luna
What: Two friends meet by happenstance and Harry has a bit of a dilemma
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Afternoon (the year Luna's 18 and Harry's 19)
Warnings: probably none

Except for the colour of her very long and fair hair, which did create a rather nice effect with its various curls and crinkles cascading down her back, Luna Lovegood might not be especially distinguished from other witches. To be sure she was young and agile, walking with a light tread and sitting pretty at the small table in front of the ice cream parlour. But she wasn't the only young lady in Diagon Alley. Merely seeing her wouldn't inform a stranger of who she was, of her individual essence. Among magical folk, her deep purple robes and matching suede boots seemed not the least bit odd. Some did prefer black or browns but many also wore gem colours of all rainbow hues.

Luna finished her sentence and dotted a full stop on the parchment before she looked up from the table. She was having an ice cream cone when it occurred to her how to continue her most recent article for the paper. The young witch hadn't yet found an elusive crumple-horned snorkack though she discovered a new phenomenon. Something wonderful began happening to her after she left Hogwarts. Something which might worry others but she welcomed the experience of sometimes being removed from her time and location. She didn't know when it would happen though she had come to identify a certain warmth spreading through her as the warning signal. Trusting her own senses and instincts she knew what didn't happen: she wasn't dreaming nor had she lost her mind when she slipped into different times. Luna had seen her friends during events of just a few years ago or she had found herself in different countries. There was no portkey involved. Nor the Flue Network. Not even apparation.

She blew the gilded feathers of her quill gently as her pale blue eyes filled with thoughtful contemplation. That look vanished in a flash. Luna smiled and waved at someone she knew.

"Harry!" she greeted the wizard who walked on the other side of the alley.