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Outside Hogwarts

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Wandering through Diagon Alley [open] [Mar. 23rd, 2008|06:35 pm]
Cecily couldn't remember deciding to go to Diagon Alley, but she must have at some point because that's where she ended up after she ran out of the church. )
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Saturday Morning - Train to London for Easter Break [Mar. 22nd, 2008|09:54 pm]
After being given their notices about using magic over the holidays, the Hogwarts student body boarded the train to go home. It was cloudy and chilly that morning with intermittent drizzle. Despite the fact that breakfast had just been served an hour before, the trolley ladies were already making their way up and down the train, selling snacks to the students as they settled in for the long ride.
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Hogsmeade Visit [backdated to Saturday afternoon] [Mar. 16th, 2008|09:09 pm]
[Current Mood | mellow]

Standing near the middle of the queue, Vincent stretched his arms up above his head and yawned. He got there early so he could save Draco and Pansy a place in line. Even though it was still kind of cold outside, he was looking forward to getting out of the castle. As he put his arms down, he lost his balance and stumbled backward. This caused him to tread on the foot of the person behind him. Vincent turned around to see who it was. His eyes went wide when he saw Snape. "Oh, sorry," he hastily said.

[Open, particularly to Pansy, Draco, Snape, and Sappho.]

[PG-13 in comments (already!), 'cause Snape = dirty mind.]
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Full Moon, Ahoy! (backdated like whoa) [Feb. 1st, 2008|11:43 am]
If there was one thing Remus learned during his years as a werewolf, it was that when going into the full moon one had to have a clear, level mind about it. One couldn't really afford to have so much anxiety bottled up, at the risk of having that stress transfer over to the wolf, who was already aggravated enough.

And, usually, Remus had been very good about it.

He wished he could say the same for this full moon, though, but that would have only been the biggest lie ever told in the history of lies. He was a wreck, plain and simple. It wasn't enough that the moon was already changing him, from the inside out, making anxious, restless, even a little angrier than usual. But now he had other things on his mind-- his mates, and their overeagerness with their Animagus transformations; Hermione and Draco and what they had to say; the temptation of that Wolfsbane potion, only to deny it in the end..

Too much, it was just too much.

Sighing to himself as he stepped into the main room of the Shack, Remus pointedly ignored the scratches on the walls, the blood stains along the floor. He sat right in the middle, cross-legged with his hands on his knees and waited.

He really hoped his friends decided not to go through with it after all.
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Hogsmeade Outing [backdated to last Saturday] [Jan. 19th, 2008|01:22 pm]
[Current Mood | nervous]

"Why is he always glaring at us like that?" Peter asked resentfully, looking back over his shoulder to where Mr Filch stood in the doorway. "He acts like going to Hogsmeade in broad daylight is some sort of crime!" Only when they'd reached the gates to the school grounds did Peter finally relax. "So, where're we going?"

[Continued from here.]
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Dinner at the Black's [backdated to last Wednesday] [Jan. 16th, 2008|07:20 pm]
[Current Mood | distracted]

Concentrating on the dinner conversation was difficult, when Bellatrix had so much on her mind. Well, let her father and Rodolphus prattle on interminably about inconsequential matters. At least that way she didn't have to feign interest. Finally, after what seemed hours, the house-elf served dessert. Perhaps, before much longer, Bella could ask Narcissa for a moment alone.

[Open to Narcissa.]
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To Hogsmeade we go! [Jan. 20th, 2008|07:03 pm]
Who: The Marauders and whomever else would like to join in
What: Go to Hogsmeade!
When: Saturday?

Normally the last one awake, today was an oddity. Sirius sat on the end of his bed, already dressed, and waiting for the rest of his friends. They were heading off to Hogsmeade this morning, for what was sure to be a day of good fun. And who knows, maybe they would get a chance to try out their latest developments in the Moony Campaign tonight.

"Come onnnn, mates!" Sirius called out loudly and flopped backwards on his still un-made covers. He never was one for patience and he hated waiting around with nothing to do.
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Train to School [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:12 am]
King's Cross was especially noisy on the morning that the Hogwarts Express left to take the students back to school for the new term. A heavy snowstorm the night before had caused delays and cancellations for many of the Muggles who were stranded inside the train station. Luckily, this did not have any real effect on the students, who were depending on the train to get them back to school, since the Hogwarts Express was still able to leave the station at eleven o'clock.
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[Dec. 31st, 2007|04:21 pm]
Characters: Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy
Setting: The Black's home in London, the afternoon of December 28th
Summary: Lucius has a present for Narcissa
Rating / Status: G/PG for now, and it's in-progress

Snow was still falling )
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Saturday Night - Three Broomsticks [open] [Dec. 29th, 2007|06:52 pm]
Cecily hated the holidays. She always had, even as a child. For her sake, her parents had always tried to have a nice Christmas celebration. It had never really worked though. They normally made it to lunchtime without arguing. That was better than most days, but it wasn't enough to make Cecily have warm, fuzzy feelings when she thought about the holiday season.

Cecily no longer worried about her parents' relationship, but she still didn't care for the "most wonderful time of the year." Her current reason was the mob of people inside the Three Broomsticks. She'd never seen the place so crowded. Men, women, children, they were all there. Everywhere she looked, she saw people on dates and families having dinner. Every time she cleared a table, she glanced towards the door, hoping things were slowing down, only to learn that the queue had doubled since the last time she'd checked.

Sighing, Cecily looked at her watch as she made her way over to the counter. Only two hours to go. Without so much as a glance at the customers in front of her, Cecily sat down behind the bar and poured herself a glass of water. "What?" She asked when she noticed people were staring. "Oh, anyone need a drink?"
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[Dec. 26th, 2007|10:57 pm]
Characters: Alice Proulx and Frank Longbottom (plus appearances by her family)
Setting: Alice's house, Wednesday December 26, evening
Summary: Frank comes to visit
Rating / Status: We'll go with G for now, and the thread is in-progress

Have yourself a merry little Christmas )
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[Dec. 26th, 2007|01:28 pm]
Who: Remus Lupin and Sirius Black
What: pre-date date stroll around Hogsmeade during the hols
Where: Hogsmeade
When: day after this
Why: because Sirius will lose his mind if he doesn't get away from his family

Hogsmeade was as busy as he thought it'd be. )
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Elizabeth and Kingsley go to Hogsmeade [Dec. 15th, 2007|04:47 pm]
Kingsley whistled as he made his way to the gate and pulled his coat a bit tighter. It was cold but he was looking forward to walking around with Elizabeth and finishing his Christmas shopping for his team and his Mum although he didn't know what to get her. It seemed like he never did.

He shoved his hands deeper in his pocket and fingered his wand out of habit.
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Evening at the Blacks' Home [Dec. 4th, 2007|07:39 pm]
[Current Mood | miffed]

Something had to be done about Dumbledore. That was all there was to it.

She'd known it for months, of course. The Dark Lord hated Albus Dumbledore like no one else. Oh, they said he feared Dumbledore, but they didn't know him. Bella knew better; the Dark Lord feared nothing. Still, that old Muggle-loving fool could ruin everything. If the Death Eaters were to succeed, and deliver the wizarding world to their master on a silver platter, Dumbledore had to be out of the way -- and the sooner, the better.

Bella raised the door knocker and rapped sharply. She knew Rita Skeeter was nothing more than a muck-raking simpleton who was trying to sell papers, but she had given them an opening, and they'd be idiots to waste it. Stepping back from the front door, she glanced over her shoulder to make certain none of the Muggles were paying her undue attention. As much as she would enjoy torturing a few of them this evening, she had more important matters to attend to. She knocked again, getting impatient. The lamps were all lit, so they must be home...

[Open to Narcissa and Lucius (if he's there already).]
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New Hogwarts Students Shrouded in Secrecy [Dec. 4th, 2007|01:05 pm]
Never one to put too much store by convention, Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has recently begun to take in strays, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Hogwarts Correspondent. The newest influx of Hogwarts 'students' arrived not by train, as is the norm, but rather were smuggled into the castle under cover of darkness this past Halloween.

The Headmaster's official statement regarding these new students was that they were the sole survivors of a plague that ravaged their small village. The children in question have been quarantined in a secluded part of the castle. As of this writing, the Daily Prophet has been unable to locate the village, and has uncovered no evidence of the alleged plague that occurred there.

'Pure rubbish!' exclaimed one interested observer.

Rumours abound that the children in question are from a leper colony and are at the school to assist in the training of students interested in Healing. More troubling is the speculation that these children have been forcibly brought to Hogwarts for the purposes of nefarious alchemical research.

Ministry officials had no comment on the matter, although Madam Bagnold maintains that Albus Dumbledore 'has [her] complete trust.' Sources close to the Minister, however, intimated that a thorough investigation of the school might soon be underway.
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