World Organization of Human Protection - A Totally's Journal
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in World Organization of Human Protection - A Totally's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010
    8:44 am
    Original Character Application
    Hello and WELCOME to WOOHP RPG! As we all know, WOOHP is a huuuuge organization of spies from all over the world! It's about time for our Beverly Hills gals to meet them, if you ask me!

    If you're interested in joining our group, please comment below with the following information:

    Your Info:
    Name: (Nickname is OK)
    Age: (no limit, just curious!)
    How'd you find us?


    - The Basics -
    Blood Type:
    Date Of Birth:
    Place of Birth:


    Position Held / Rank:
    Social Class:
    Economic Class:


    Relationship Status:

    - Personality -

    - Physical -
    Hair Color: 
    Hair Style:
    Eye Color:
    Skin Tone:
    Voice Pitch:
    Special Appearance Notes:
    Dominant Hand:
    Languages Spoken:

    - Attire -
    General Clothing:

    Special Clothing:



    Armor: None

    - Equipment -

    General Tools:


    - Skills/Talents/Powers -
    General Skills:


    Combat Skills:

    Weapon Skills:

    Special Training:

    - Statistics - (100 points starting, no more than ten in each)
    Put 50 in your strongest area, 30 in 2nd strongest, and 20 in your weakest area. You start with 1 point in each already.

    What do all these mean? Read about them here.

    Speed: 1
    Agility: 1
    Reflexes: 1
    Evasiveness: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 1
    Endurance: 1
    Dexterity: 1

    MENTAL -
    Intelligence: 1
    Wit: 1
    Manipulation: 1
    Affinity: 1
    Academics: 1
    Language: 1
    Craftiness: 1
    Investigation: 1

    SOCIAL -
    Charisma: 1
    Appearance: 1
    Willpower: 1
    Leadership: 1
    Empathy: 1
    Style: 1
    Maturity: 1
    Popularity: 1

    - Favorites, Dislikings, and More -
    General Likings:

    General Dislikings:

    Favorite Company:

    Least Favorite Company:

    Fears / Phobias:

    Favorite Food:

    Preferred Beverage:



    Mental Disorders:

    9:41 am
    Stats Explanation - What Are They For?
    So what are all these 'stats' for? Well, once our plot starts rolling around, we're going to start bringing stats into play to make it more exciting! Basically, just because we're writing the story doesn't mean that your characters won't fail breaking out of something, or beating a baddie up! It all depends on your stats.

    Each player will have a 'stats sheet' on their journal which will show their strengths. This also allows different players to have different strengths which bring something to the table, and has you rely on teamwork!

    Here are what each spec means - and how they can be applied in game. Don't only choose what you like best - choose what you think your character is best at.

    Speed: Whether it be running laps or drawing a laser rifle, your movements are deft and precise. This is especially useful if you're trying to escape, steal, or get the first move on a baddie. 1 means you're slow and lazy. 10 means you're a track star. Anything above that is kung-fu film amazing.

    Agility: This is your ability to do something without tripping up, klutzing out, or breaking something. 1 means you're extremely klutzy, 10 or above means you're observedly graceful.

    Reflexes: Whatever the baddie does, you're one step ahead! This especially helps your ability to dodge things, as well as catch and respond to acts against you. Turn a corner to see a baddie? You can take a quick step back and never be caught! Whew! 1 means you're not attentive enough to pre-empt a move typically. 10 means you've got the reflexes of a cobra!

    Evasiveness: Sneaky, sneaky! You're great at not being detected. Whether it's sneaking through your rival's dorm room for something incriminating, or trying to escape from a baddie's secret lair, you're great at hiding and avoiding detection. 1 means you're no sneakier than the average Joe Blo. 10 means you practically blend into the shadows.

    Strength: You're pumped! You definitely don't waste time hitting the weights! When you hit, it's felt. You're definitely efficient in taking the baddies down, winning a hand-to-hand struggle, lifting yourself up to a high ledge, or moving heavy objects. Pretty self-explanatory. 1 means you're able to carry your college textbooks, but that's about it. 10 means you could break a dude's nose/jaw/arm if you had to.

    Defense: You've focused your training on being able to take a hit. You can soak up damage better than the average person. Additionally, you're better at blocking and dodging hits as well. 1 means you take damage as a normal civilian with no martial arts skill. 10 means that you are a master at blocking, and whoever you're up against has to be a master at breaching your defenses. Anything above that makes you a walking fortress.

    Endurance: You can go on forever! Whether it's running for a long time, or staying up late pulling an all-nighter, you don't wear out as quickly as your friends. You're a bundle of energy! 1 means that you have to hit the bench after about 5-10 minutes of rough activity. 10 means you're a marathon runner!

    Dexterity: You're flexible - and not in the way that means you can rearrange your schedule! You can bend your body in ways that make it easy to squeeze into tight spaces. You can work around your teammates without hurting yourself. You can move in ways that others deem unusual or unnatural. 1 means that you have trouble touching your toes. 10 means that you're a yoga addict!

    Intelligence: You're a brainiac, you use your noggin'! This stat represents your ability to retain information you have already learned. 1 means you don't really apply yourself towards intellectual pursuits. 10 means you're well on your way to becoming a genius.

    Wit: You're quick with the comebacks, and you think on your feet. No one can leave you tongue-tied, nor are you easily fooled. 1 means that responses don't come to you quickly, you have to contemplate and deliberate what you want to say. 10 means that you talk at trillion miles an hour, and you can easily drive that conversation!

    Manipulation: You know what you want, and you know how to get it. You can analyze a situation well enough to twist words or actions to get things to happen exactly as you want. 1 means you're a bit of a doormat. 10 means that you're a cunning little minx!

    Affinity: Things come to you naturally. Practice was never really something in your language - if you were shown once, you could do it on your own. If you're really high on this stat, you can typically surpass your teacher! 1 means you have to really drill something home to get good at it. 10 means you're a prodigy!

    Academics: You're a student, even after you graduate. This stat represents your knowledge in liberal arts and sciences - history, culture, science, philosophy, mathematics...the list goes on. 1 means you struggled with grades and studying. 10 means you study in your free time and are an honor roll student.

    Language: You have a way with words - and more than the average speaker! Whether it's binary code or French or Chinese - you have skill in a foreign language. 1 means you're lucky to get by with English (you probably mess up words a lot) 10 means you're fluent in at least one other language. This one probably requires more detail:

    1 - struggling with native language grammar/spelling
    2 - eloquent with an average adult vocabulary
    3 - very good at expressing yourself in your native language
    4 - took your high school foreign language, did so-so
    5 - did very well in your foreign language, even joined the club
    6 - can pass as fluent when ordering from a menu, can vacation abroad
    7 - can study abroad for a year
    8 - near fluency, can translate a passage near-perfectly
    9 - almost perfect, can nearly pass for a native, save for the accent
    10 - fluent entirely, no accent

    Craftiness: You're really good with your hands. There's something you're skilled at - painting, piano, acting, web design, carpentry - that would qualify as a 'talent'. 1 means you're a beginner, 5 intermediate, 8 advanced, 10 expert. Anything above that would most likely gather outside attention.

    Investigation: You're good at digging up dirt. Whether it's the background info of a baddie-at-large, or simply the class schedule of that dreamy guy in Politics know where to look when there's something you want to know. 1 means that you don't even know where to start in your search. 10 means that you've got (maybe not legitimate) access to more records than you'd ever need. But do you know how to cover your tracks? That's what the "Evasiveness" stat is for!

    Charisma: Do you have a magnestism that just draws people to you? Are you able to demand the attention of a room when you walk in? Baby, you have CHARISMA! 1 means you're a wallflower, 10 means you're the Queen Bee! Anything above that - you're a rock star!

    Appearance: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it takes all kinds! Whether you're a classic beauty, a sexy bombshell, or just kinda cute - spies require a good amount of looks to get anywhere in their line of work! How can one become better-looking? More effort, more beauty tricks...1 means you're a plain Jane who just doesn't care about looks. 10 means you're a cosmetic junkie who moisturizes religiously - and you'd miss your wedding before missing your mani-pedi!

    Willpower: You are headstrong and determined. Whereas others may be persuaded into changing their plans, you never sway from your goal, and will stop at nothing to achieve it! This skill is particularly good at resisting brain-washing and getting that much-needed adrenaline rush when all hope seems lost. 1 means that you're quick to give up or look for the easy way out of things. 10 means you're pretty darned stubborn, but dedicated!

    Leadership: You know how to bring people together. When something needs to be done, you know the right people to pick, and how to unite them all under the same flag (or goal, or whatever). For some reason, people trust you, and they put faith in your ideas. 1 means that you're an eager follower. 10 means that you don't like stepping back and letting someone else take the wheel.

    Empathy: You're excellent at reading people, and know just the right thing to say to get the response you want. You can tell when to push someone a little further for information, or when someone REALLY doesn't know any more than what they're telling you. You're great at detecting lies, and recognizing shady characters. 1 means you're naive and gullible. 10 means you're attentive - even if you're a bit of a skeptic.

    Style: Everyone has a unique style of their own, but you define it! Whether you're an edgy trend-setter, a glamorous beauty, or maybe hippie chic - you own your look well enough that you can fit into whatever scene you want. 1 means you can't develop a wardrobe without your pals' assistance. 10 means you constantly get stopped to ask "Where did you get that? It's fabulous!"

    Maturity: Being young is hard. Adults just don't understand all the nuances and pressures that you have to take! Unlike the average youth, though, you get along great with adults, and fit in naturally with the older, more sophisticated crowd. You're also one of more calm and collected members of your group, and a voice of reason. 1 means you're a wild child. 10 means you're a stick in the mud--er, I mean, very mature for your age.

    Popularity: Everyone loves you! If there's one thing you have in abundance, it's friends and fans! You want for nothing. Anything you could have is easily available to you - because if you don't know how to get it, you know someone who does~! 1 means you're a lone wolf with only a few people you actually talk to. 10 means you're a social butterfly who barely spends a night at home!
    Monday, July 5th, 2010
    2:10 pm

    -How To Play-

    1. Treat your character journal as just that - a LiveJournal that your character keeps, like you would if you were really that person. There are a few extra-special things that we're doing in character to add spice and flair to the game.

    2. Keep your posts (that are anything more risque than PG-13 under an LJ cut. If you need help on how to do an LJ cut, go here.

    3. There are four types of entires you can post on your journal. They are described below:

    • Open entries - These are like basic journal entries that anyone - for sake of the RPG, let's just say anyone on your friends-list, can see. These would be something like this: "Today I've finally starting working out again. I never realized how out-of-shape I was until I set foot on that treadmill. Ugh! I'm so sore in places I didn't even know I had! I'm going to talk to Alex - she knows how to nurse out sports-related cramps. Maybe I can convince her to help rub out my back..." But hopefully longer than that. ;)
    • Private entries - These are entries that are written for only your character's knowledge. Things like inner thoughts, secrets, confessions - of course, keep them open for us to read (for our enjoyment) but these entries are known only to your character, and should never be used for in-character knowledge. Example: "Oh God. I can't believe this paper is due tomorrow...surely there's some information on the Internet somewhere! I mean, the topic is obscure enough, they'll never know if I take some artistic licensing for it, right? I don't think I'd ever be able to face anyone again if I didn't turn it in on time...! I never should've gone out last night!!"
    • Scenes - These are entries that are written in third-person, like a group fanfic. I'll link to an example, since they are more complicated. Usually these are played over IM or e-mail, or perhaps started in an entry and continued through comments. Example 1 and Example 2
    • Screened Entries - This is where LJ-cut also comes in. This is special to RPGs, but maybe you write an entry, and then also want to add something that only one character (or a certain group of characters) can see? You'd do something like this:

    "Today was business as usual. Got up super-early for my lame 8:30am class, wasted an hour or so in the library nursing a ginger-avocado smoothie while waiting for the next class. It's a huge bummer that Clover and Alex have totally different class schedules than me. It's a huge struggle to be able to hang-out between classes, clubs, sororities...not that I'm all that interested in the Greek life. I'm way too busy with school! Besides, that's totally Clover's scene, am I right?

    I wonder which team Alex is going to play on this year...



    1:54 pm

    1. Have fun. This is a roleplay. We are pretending to be teenage girls playing international spies, and this should not affect real life. While the moderators are devoted to running a good game, real life always takes precedence over anything game-related. They cannot be expected to attend to minutiae not immediately related to the game itself. For your edification and the mods' peace of mind, please read and internalize this post: Internet Drama and You.

    2. Be civil. We don't want wank, and we don't want players being nasty to each other. RPing is for fun. Also, if some character insults your character, keep in mind that it's not personal. See the link in #1.

    2. Stay in character. Yes, it's a year or so later than canon, and slightly AU, yes, you'll have to change some minor things to fit. However, don't make Sam quit school in order to run off with Tim Scam and elope in Vegas, or have Alex get pregnant by some unknown father, etc.

    3. If you have a problem with a character or their player, talk it over with the player before going to the mod(s). Most players don't like people going behind their back to complain. If that doesn't work, go to the mod(s), with the player's knowledge. The mods should only be involved as a last ditch effort. If there is a problem with both players involved, the mods will not hesitate to warn or punish either or both of them as appropriate. The mods are not afraid of banning particularly problematic players.

    4. There is a limit of two characters per person, and if the mod(s) notice that you can't handle that many, we'll talk to you about it and you may have to drop one.

    5. Don't god mode. This means you can't go "And then Clover stabbed Jerry and he died." No. Unless you play both characters, you can't do that. You need to make everything so that the other players have time to respond to whatever you do. On a similar note, don't assume that a character will know or do something unless you've talked to their mun in advance.

    6. Good grammar and spelling would be awesome. We hate wAtChInG ppls type lyke dis, and lyk3 d1$ isn't any better. We don't mind if English is your second or third language, or even if you have one of many learning disabilities, as long as you speak/read/write it well enough to keep up with everything and communicate with others. Use of good grammar is also a bonus.

    7. As for pairings, we'll take anything. Over PG-13, put it under a cut with a warning, though. We are het, yaoi, and yuri friendly. Don't like it, don't read it.

    8. Please stay as active as possible. We would really like to see everyone being highly active, as it makes it more fun for everyone. Missing characters slows everyone down, and ruins/highly complicates the completion of plots for the other people involved. Try to keep up with things at the very least, and post at least once a week. If you know you'll be gone longer than this, talk to the mods and say that you need to go on hiatus. If it's going to be an ongoing problem, then you may want to rethink your involvement. Expecting the mod(s) or other players to poke you constantly in order to keep you active is unacceptable.

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