Wolf Dog Snake's Journal
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Thursday, October 14th, 2010

    Time Event
    Fic Rec: How The Dead Celebrate Birthdays (PG-13; Severus, Sirius & Remus) by eeyore9990
    I'm not certain if anyone's read this before, or even rec'd it, but I have and am!

    How The Dead Celebrate Birthdays (PG-13; Severus, Sirius, and Remus) by [info]eeyore9990

    Rating: PG-13
    Warning(s): Canon characters who are dead through no fault of mine (or theirs, for that matter). Also, disembodied mammaries and clowns. Eventual threesome.
    Word Count: +/- 1700
    Summary: Severus has a very firm opinion on the dead celebrating birthdays: They don't.

    Why you should read it: It's great fun! Severus' is a snarky bastard, oblivious to what's going on for quite a while, but Sirius and Remus wear him down...with something very, very sweet.

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