Mar. 7th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]alexandripearl

Title: Litigation and Liaisons
Recipient's LJ name: [info]alexandripearl
Pairing(s): Harry/Millicent, Zacharias/Marietta, Ginny/Luna implied
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Lawyers, can't live with them, can't curse them - legally. But then again, sometimes the worst situations bring about the best conclusions.
Word Count: ~8500
Warnings/Content: references to f/f relationship, references to f/f/m
Author's/Artist's notes: [info]alexandripearl, I have to admit, when agreeing to take on Harry/Female!Slytherin, I imagined any of them other than Millicent. This posed quite a surprise and a pleasant challenge. Using your other pairings and prompts as a guide, though, this turned out to be lots more fun than I expected. I really hope you like it as much as I've grown to.

Litigations and Liaisons )

Feb. 25th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]gelsey

Title:Third Time's the Charm
Recipient's LJ name: [info]gelsey
Pairing(s):Charlie Weasley/Millicent Bulstrode
Rating:NC 17
SummaryWhat started as a summer fling becomes much more over time.
Word Count: 4,628
Disclaimer: (optional)I don't own Charlie and Millicent, though I wish I did.
Author's/Artist's notes: Thank you to our lovely mod for her patience with me. Thank you to the lovely S. for beta reading for me. Gelsey, I hope you like this. I tried to take several of the elements you listed, and turn them into something. Your prompt about Strawberry Wine helped set the mood for this.

Third Time's The Charm )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]luvscharlie

Title: Sweet-talker
Recipient's LJ name: [info]luvscharlie
Pairing(s): Charlie Weasley/Millicent Bulstrode
Rating: R
Summary Charlie expected to be bored shitless at Harry and Romilda's wedding. He had not counted on the second bridesmaid's cousin who, with one raised eyebrow and a little dirty talk on the dance floor, had him back to hers the second the delirious couple had caught their portkey.
Warnings/Content: Spanking :)
Disclaimer: I do not own either of these characters. I may have a bit of a crush on both of them after this, though.
Author's/Artist's notes: Luvscharlie, your signup was fantastic! I hit the first pairing on your list of possibilities and couldn't get any further - they were too perfect, particularly given your notes. I found Millicent *quite* delectable over the course of drawing this. Charlie feels much the same way... If you've made it this far through the notes, you should know that she has just told him that her grandmother gave better spankings, and has suggested that he put some back into it. Charlie thinks (though he is willing to attribute some of it to the champagne) that he might just be in love.

Sweet-Talker )

Feb. 12th, 2011


Special delivery for [info]drago_verde

Title: Even Though
Pairing: Millicent/Neville, Susan/Ron (implied)
Summary: That same ol' feeling?
Word Count: 2300
Warnings: marital fluff, public sex, language
Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Harry Potter.
Author's Notes: I absolutely loved your prompts, one of them actually making me laugh out loud. Also, seeing 'silly' and 'romantic' made me happy as I've been heavy on the angst lately. There's a minor shout-out to A:TLAB included. Hope you enjoy!

Even Though )

Feb. 24th, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]deathjunke

Title: Whatever You Like.
Recipient's LJ name: [info]deathjunke
Pairing(s): Ron Weasley/Millicent Bulstrode.
Summary Ron isn't at all happy when unfortunate circumstances mean he has to pair up with Millicent in Potions, but he gets to know her a little bit better than he intended.
Word Count: 1859.
Warnings/Content: Smut and pain, baby.
Disclaimer: Wouldn't it be funny if JKR participated in smut fests? But srsly. I'm not her.
Author's notes: This is not a pairing that I had ever considered before, but as soon as I saw it listed, I knew I would like it ^_^

Whatever You Like )

Feb. 8th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]psyfic, part 2

Title: Blue Jay Way
Recipient's LJ name: [info]psyfic
Pairing(s): Harry/Millicent
Rating: NC-17
Summary Millicent is in her second year of Auror training and finds herself paired up with the Boy-Who-Lived. She finds Harry needs to be taught about the Beatles, and maybe a little about love as well.
Word Count: 13,057
Warnings/Content: Masturbation and sex
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's notes: Happy Valentine's Day [info]psyfic. Thanks for the wonderful prompt, I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you don't mind the second couple who fell in love during Auror training – they refused to be denied. It turned into a bit of a monster, so much love goes to my beta, who went through it all in one day so I could get it in on time. The title of this story comes from the Beatles song "Blue Jay Way".

Blue Jay Way, part 2 )

Feb. 5th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]cat_goddess

Title: Domestic Bliss
Recipient's LJ name: [info]cat_goddess
Pairing(s): Theo/Millicent
Rating: R
Summary: Theo is content with what he has.
Word Count: 1, 064
Warnings/Content: none
Author's notes: Thanks to T for the beta. [info]cat_goddess, I hope you enjoy this!!

Domestic Bliss )

Mar. 1st, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]alexandripearl

Title: Love Hogwart’s Style
Author: [info]lady_catelyn
Recipient's IJ/LJ Name: [info]alexandripearl
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Neville/Millicent
Word Count: 3,824
Warnings (if any): None
Authors notes: [info]alexandripearl, per your request, I put most of my emphasis on developing the relationship between Neville and Millicent. I saw their relationship as one that would be slow-going at the start but explosive once it got going. I played more on their lack of self-confidence. I hope you enjoy this.

Love Hogwart's Style )

Mar. 12th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]snapelike (part 3)

Title:  A Toxic & Tender Time
Author/Artist:  [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name:  [info]lysa1
Rating:  NC-17
Pairing(s):  Severus/Minerva, Viktor/Millicent
Word Count:  19,021
Warnings (if any):  h/c, adult situations, first-time, rough sex, near-public

pt. 3 )


Special delivery for [info]snapelike (part 2)

Title:  A Toxic & Tender Time part 2
Author/Artist:  [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name:  [info]lysa1
Rating:  NC-17
Pairing(s):  Severus/Minerva, Viktor/Millicent
Word Count:  19,021
Warnings (if any):  h/c, adult situations, first-time, rough sex, near-public

pt. 2 )


Special delivery for [info]snapelike (part 1)

Title: A Toxic & Tender Time
Author: [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name: [info]snapelike
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Severus/Minerva, Viktor/Millicent
Word Count: 19,021
Warnings (if any): h/c, adult situations, first-time, rough sex, near-public

Author's many, many notes: Rowling stated in one of her postscript interviews that McGonagall did not become Headmistress because she retired. This seemed rather odd to me, because, in print canon she established wizards & witches live nearly twice as long as Muggles, and Albus Dumbledore was Headmaster at well over a hundred, and were it not for a terminal Horcrux Curse and his decision to ask a good friend to euthanize him at the most opportune moment, he might well have continued to hold his job.

The other thing she established in print canon is that McGonagall is a black-haired, clearly vital witch, who took several hexes in 5th year and came back as sharp witted and ready to head her boisterous, headstrong house, as ever. Moreover, as regards Snape, there is no body, no portrait, no funeral (when even a murderous monster spider was eulogized in the prior book and a prosthetic eye is given a burial in DH) and no Resurrection Stone appearance. This, when coupled with the fact he is a master spy who is suspicious of everyone and could teach even the not-too dunderheaded to stopper death, means, by my lights, that Rowling's inHerview canon just doesn't fly, so this tale explains what really happened to them both. Thank you, [info]lysa1, for allowing me to correct Rowling's hubris this grave bit of illogic.

You mentioned you don't care for non-con or sex without love. I'll be honest and admit this skirts both, but does not commit them. There is contact that is sexual in nature, but not sex. There is medical treatment that necessitates it with a person who is unconscious in order to save their life. It is not glorified and is very much a part of the h/c aspect of the fic. When the sex does occur between our two couples, there is definitely love. I'm sorry if that spoils the fic for anyone, but I really needed to make that clear.

Alas, Severus was not feeling too terribly snarky, but given the circumstances, I'm sure that's understandable, poor hurty Prince. I used cock and cunt, as requested, although I did use medical terminology for the less sexy parts of the fic for reasons which should be obvious. Lastly, and as requested, this story uses book canon, but isn't married to it, particularly the crapilogue epilogue.

pt. 1 )