
Posts Tagged: 'character:+ruby+lucas'

Feb. 14th, 2016



No Subject

Who: Sam, Logan, Ruby and Therese.
What: Sam finds a page, chaos ensues.
When: Right after Isaac reveals the information about the missing pages.
Where: tbd
Warnings: Violence, gore, character death.
Status: Closed/ongoing.

The first passage will allow the demon to manifest itself in the flesh! )

Jan. 12th, 2016



No Subject

WHO: Red & Derek
WHEN: Roughly after their text convo
WHERE: Around the forest areas
WHAT: Ruby drags Derek out to help her try to hunt down the Dark One's dagger.
STATUS: In-progress

If there was a Dark One, then there was a dagger somewhere, and that was what needed to be found. )

Dec. 29th, 2015



No Subject

Who: Red & Regina
Where: Diner in town
When: Right now
What: Fairy tale creatures stick together, even when it's complicated.
Status: In Progress.

It was probably petty to hold things against people who may actually help save your life. )

Oct. 13th, 2015



Her dirty paws and furry coat, she ran down the forest slopes.

who: ruby lucas & derek hale
where: around grimoire
when: backdated: last week
what: ruby is venturing out, derek is her big bad to protect. it's a thing.
warnings: tbd
status: in progress

The forest of talking trees, they used to sing about the birds and the bees. )

Aug. 29th, 2015



No Subject

Who: Derek & Ruby
When: Saturday Morning/Afternoon
Where: Team Wolf house
What: post-full moon talks and eats
Warnings: light.
Status: in progress

Steaks probably weren't normal breakfast food, but since it was creeping up on noon, he doubted any of them would be eating it as breakfast anyway. )

Aug. 7th, 2015



No room for emptyness

Who: Rubycakes and Harleypants
Where: Harley's new office, in Grimoire
When: Friday, late afternoon
What: Harley cons Ruby into a meeting
Warnings: Crazy. So much crazy, y'all.
Status: In progress
On a never empty street )

Jul. 22nd, 2015



No Subject

WHEN: This Week
WHERE: All over the town
WHAT: Multi-thread playable action in the town and around.
WARNINGS: Dinosaurs! Chomping, munching, running, screaming, blood, gore, death, chaos, anything that has happened will happen and all that.
STATUS: In Progress

Jurassic Park theme music plays intensely in the background )

Apr. 5th, 2015



Hey there little red riding hood

WHO: Pinocchio & Red
WHERE: The Diner
WHEN: Sunday Afternoon
WHAT: Catching up, sharing adventures and comparing notes.
WARNING: Possibly for Red; don't yet know.
STATUS: In-Progress

I don't think little big girls should go walking in these spooky old woods alone )

Feb. 24th, 2015


It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run

WHO: Mad Wolf
The Diner
Tuesday, Noon
Jefferson needs Ruby's help planning this Bachelor gig for Hook.
Possible cursing, crude nature

Feb. 20th, 2015



No Subject

Who: Ruby & Isaac
When: During the manhunt for missing peoples.
Where: Town Hall
What: The wolves sniff out some trails to follow.
Warning: Mentions of blood & stuffs.
Status: Complete

Ruby was sitting at the bar, biting her nails and worrying just who else was missing. )

Jan. 28th, 2015



God only knows what we're fighting for

Who: Ruby & Emma
Where: Emma's Office @ the Station
When: Wednesday
What: Ruby continues to make sure that Emma eats; aaaaand then causes a break down.
Warnings: Discussion of death, abandonment issues, ugly crying likely.
Stauts: In Progress.

Next time I'll be braver, I'll be my own savior standing on my own two feet )

Jan. 16th, 2015



No Subject

WHO: The citizens of Marrowood
WHEN: Friday Night through Sunday morning
WHERE: Demonic Rift Locations
WHAT: Battling demons, closing rifts, getting dead, not getting dead.
WARNINGS: Dark themes, monsters, possible character deaths, blood, gore, etc.

Where do bad folks go when they die? Don't go to heaven where the angels cry, they go to a lake of fire and fry. )

Jan. 4th, 2015



No Subject

WHO: Rubywolf, Kenzi.
WHERE: The Diner.
WHEN: Today, the 4th.
WHAT: SHENANIGANS. What's really in our food?
WARNINGS: Language mostly, some gross food stuffs, will adjust accordingly should anything change.
STATUS: In Progress

Did he eat it? Isn't that a health code violation?? I mean, this is probably how people get ebola. )

Dec. 5th, 2014



No Subject

WHO: Leslie Knope and anyone that wants to be there
WHERE: Hocus Pocus Club
WHEN: December 5 - 5 pm
WHAT: Leslie's determined to get the town organized
WARNINGS: Possible bad language depending on the character
STATUS: Complete

Rip this joint gonna save your soul )

Nov. 26th, 2014



There's hope for the hopeless

WHO: Emma Swan & Stiles Stilinski & Jefferson & later Ruby Lucas
WHEN: after Emma's seen Neal here.
WHERE: Emma and Ruby's apartment
WHAT: NO MORE FEELINGS: alcohol to numb the mind..
WARNINGS: Angst. :| Possibly language. Spoilers for OUAT too.
STATUS: In-Progress

Running against the wind, playing the cards you get, something is bound to give )

Sep. 23rd, 2014


No Subject

WHO: Coyote Queen and Wolf Woman
WHERE: Near Hiss Station
WHEN: September 23, around dusk
WHAT: Our resident shapeshifter ladies have a bonding moment. (Or, that one where Mercy almost runs away like a chicken.)
STATUS: Ongoing

werewolves in marrowood, why am i surprised? )

Sep. 12th, 2014



From dirty paws and the creatures of snow.

WHO: Ruby Red & Bookmaster Stiles
WHERE: Emma & Ruby's apartment
WHEN: Backdated; Wednesday night
WHAT: Dinner dates meetings and some fun times with the three J's
WARNINGS: Underage Drinking; because Ruby is not a responsible adult.
STATUS: In Progress.

Her dirty paws and furry coat, she ran down the forest slope. The forest of talking trees, they used to sing about the birds and the bees. )

Sep. 11th, 2014



We got the glow in our mouths

WHO: Big Bad Wolf & Littlest Werewolf
WHERE: From Sheriff Station towards town
WHEN: Backdated; Wednesday morning, post full moon
WHAT: The Big Bad Wolf meets Hogwarts' littlest werewolf.
WARNINGS: Unknown yet.
STATUS: In Progress.

I'll let you in on something big, I am not a white teeth teen, I tried to join but never did. )

Sep. 6th, 2014



Don’t worry I will help you out on one condition

WHO: Little Red Riding Hood & The Baron of Santa Monica
WHERE: Through Town
WHEN: Friday; pre-dawn morning hours
WHAT: Wolf and Fang meet; it's... complicated.
WARNINGS: Potential species slurs.
STATUS: In Progress.

You're on the road; on a road that's bound for nowhere. Why don't you do what you're told? )

Aug. 11th, 2014



one, two, three, four

WHO: Emma Swan & Jefferson & Ruby Lucas & Mary Margaret Blanchard & Stiles Stilinski & Bucky Barnes; aka the OUAT group and their adoptees.
WHERE: Ruby & Emma's apartment
WHEN: August 10th
WHAT: The culmination of 'dinner' plans; which means chaos in the kitchen, sitting room and home.
WARNINGS: So. Many. People. Ahem; fluff, confusion, Ruby, MadSwan, Mom Feels, James being confused, Stiles, Stiles & Ruby, Poor James. JUST A LOT OF STUFF IS LIKELY OKAY!

Don't leave me tongue tied, let's stay up all night. I'll get real high, slumber party; pillow fight )