
Posts Tagged: 'character:+rabastan+lestrange'

Oct. 25th, 2015



Eight legs to the wall

Who: Rabastan Lestrange and Harley Quinn (aka the sidekicks)
When: Friday evening
Where: Freddy's Fairgrounds
What: Harley has a plan; Rabastan is interested
Warnings: Criminally insane chatter
Status: In progress

Hit the gas, kill em all )

Sep. 5th, 2015



run from the one who comes to find you

WHO: Maleficent & Rabastan Lestrange
WHEN: Friday
WHERE: The Crooked Nook
WHAT: Spying sessions and doling out the directions
STATUS: In-Progress

we press for the water, press for the river, press for the rain )

Aug. 29th, 2015



No Subject

Who: Rabastan and Bellatrix
What: Family reunions
When: backdated to immediately after Bella's network post
Where: Visceral district, outside the asylum
Warnings: Crazy with a capital C, can't think of anything else major but will update as needed
Status: Closed/ongoing

Now the witch is back, there's hell to pay )