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Wished RPG

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[Sep. 28th, 2010|08:42 pm]

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Who: Orsino Thruston and Donaghan Tremlett (possible guest appearance by the Terrible Trio?)
When: Tuesday, 28 September.  Early afternoon.
Where: Orsino's flat.
What: Trying to determine what to sell/donate to charity/turn into ~art~.
Rating: Low, maybe language.

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[Sep. 28th, 2010|11:37 am]

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Who: Zacharias Smith, Gregory Goyle, Theodore Nott.
When: September 28th. Suppertime.
Where: Goyle's caretaker cottage.
What: Dinner.
Rating: PG13 for rude words and Theo crazies?
Status: Incomplete/Closed.

Dinner )
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[Sep. 28th, 2010|11:31 am]

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Who: Oriel Summerby and Rose Zeller.
When: September 28th. Afternoon.
Where: Diagon Alley. Sugarush --> beyond.
What: Shopping!
Rating: Low.
Status: Incomplete/Closed.

Friend time )
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[Sep. 26th, 2010|10:13 pm]

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WHO: Stephanie Fawcett and Irving Bradley
WHAT: Drastic Measures. Stephanie has finally had enough and insists he will go to a fitting for his dress robes.
WHEN: 4am Monday morning.
WHERE: Irving's house
STATUS: Incomplete // Closed

Operation GIID is a go. )
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[Sep. 26th, 2010|07:15 pm]
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Who: Myron Wagtail and Donaghan Tremlett.
When: September 26th. Early evening.
Where: Don's place.
What: Weird Sister visit!
Rating: PG for potty words?
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Knockity knock )
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[Sep. 25th, 2010|08:35 pm]

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Who: Katie Bell, George Weasley
When: Backdated to Friday.
Where: The Three Broomsticks.
What: Drinking, nostalgia, whathaveyou.
Rating: T.B.D.
Open/Closed: Closed (Better late than never, Lena?)

George was reasonably sure that it was not his turn to pay. )
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[Sep. 25th, 2010|07:30 pm]
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WHO Eddie Carmichael, Cat, Oriel Summerby, Tweak
WHAT Eddie is bringing Cat over to Oriel's so that Tweak can meet her.
WHEN Afternoon
WHERE Oriel's.
RATING/WARNING Low. Incomplete.

In which adorable kitties play together. )
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[Sep. 24th, 2010|06:45 pm]
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Who: Merton Graves & Irving Bradley
When: Friday Night
Where: The Royal Oak Pub
What: A beer or seven
Rating: R (for language?)
Open/Closed: Closed / Incomplete

Beer is a magical thing... )
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[Sep. 24th, 2010|10:45 am]

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Who: Niki Urquhart and Alix Savage.
When: September 24th. 1pm.
Where: WWW.
What: Interview-type-thing.
Rating: Low.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Job interview )
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[Sep. 23rd, 2010|04:48 pm]

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Who: Zacharias Smith and Meghan McCormack.
When: September 23rd. Afternoon.
Where: Diagon Alley. The Lucky Bakery.
What: A run in. Over coffee.
Rating: Low.
Status: Incomplete/Closed.

Caffeine and something sweet )
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[Sep. 23rd, 2010|12:24 pm]

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Who: Oriel Summerby and Luna Lovegood.
When: September 23rd. Early evening.
Where: Chez Luna's.
What: Petplay date!
Rating: Low.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Kitty and puppy playdate )
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[Sep. 21st, 2010|08:10 pm]
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Who: Alixandr Savage and Patricia Stimpson
When: this early evening
Where: Diagon Alley near the WWW
What: Random run in makes for a surprise reunion.
Rating: TBD
Open/Closed: closed

Chance meetings are lul )
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[Sep. 20th, 2010|08:06 pm]

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Who: Fred and Verity Weasley
What: Talking
When: Last night
Where: Their house
Rating/Warning: TBA

He was going to get very very lucky. )
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[Sep. 12th, 2010|03:57 pm]
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Who: Dean and Various - OPEN
What: Dean works the crowd!
When: Tonight
Where: Prospero's Muse Grand Opening
Rating/Warning: TBA, low and polite? If you want to interact with Dean at all, just start a new thread in the comments. He'll be moving through the crowd all night!

Dean's hands were shaking. )
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[Sep. 11th, 2010|09:35 pm]
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Who: Tristan Dunstan & Lyra Moon
What: This time it's definitely a date. Right?
Where: Dunstan family home, outside Exeter
When: Tonight
Warnings/Rating: TBA

The cork was determined to thwart him, but he'd have it out. )
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[Sep. 11th, 2010|09:06 pm]
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Who: Quentin Trimble and Fleur Delacour-Weasley.
When: September 11th. Evening.
Where: Hogwarts. Teacher's lounge.
What: A proper meeting?
Rating: Low, I should think.
Status: Incomplete/Closed.

He made a particular point of remembering the names of those who were delightfully attractive )
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[Sep. 11th, 2010|03:28 pm]

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Who: Oriel Summerby and Natalie Midgen.
When: September 11th. 3pm.
Where: Magical Menagerie.
What: Kitten shopping!
Rating: Low. Also, C for Cute.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

I can has a kitten? )
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[Sep. 10th, 2010|10:05 pm]
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Who: Rhydian & Essery Oakby
What: Sibling commiseration
Where: Hogwarts
When: Thursday night (Sept. 9)
Warnings/Rating: Probably language.

No one was going to flag him down in the halls and ask him his business. )
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[Sep. 10th, 2010|08:08 pm]

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Who: Heath, Gideon, and Merton
What: Heath and Merton show up to drag Gideon home
When: Tonight
Where: Jamaica
Rating/Warning: Oh, there will be language, and violence, and likely sex. And drinking. And music. You know.

Placeholder )
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late night rendezvous [Sep. 9th, 2010|09:03 pm]
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[WHO] Eddie & Maisie
[WHEN & WHERE] 9pm, Eddie's flat.
[WHY] Because Eddie's been gone for a while and he wants to make it up to Maisie.
[RATING] Low-medium/incomplete.

Oh Lady Mine... )
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