Wished RPG - August 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Wished RPG

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August 22nd, 2010

[Aug. 22nd, 2010|09:23 am]
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WHO: Veronica Kegg & Harold Dingle.
WHAT: Harold uses his skills of climbing through windows to visit Ronnie.
WHERE: Veronica's studio flat near St. James Park in London, England.
WHEN: Early Sunday morning - around 2am.
RATING: TBA - depends on what happens

We started dancin' all around the floor / and then she did a dance I never saw before... )
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[Aug. 22nd, 2010|09:50 am]


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Who: Zacharias Smith and Theodore Nott.
When: August 22nd. Afternoon.
Where: St. Mungo's.
What: A visit with an old friend.
Rating: PG for swears?
Status: Complete/Closed.

Theodore? )
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[Aug. 22nd, 2010|09:37 pm]
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Who: Stephen Cornfoot and Su Li
When: Tea and Sympathy
Where: Wednesday early evening before the shop closes.
What: Stephen offers to read Su's palm and the two catch up!
Rating: PG?
Open/Closed: Open to Su Li

Fortunes! Fortunes told, get ya fortunes... Ah, fortunetellers, how droll! )
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