Wished RPG - December 5th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Wished RPG

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December 5th, 2009

[Dec. 5th, 2009|03:17 pm]


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Who: Su Li & Lucy Elkins
When: Saturday, late-morning/early afternoon
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Ravenclaw solidarity in Christmas shopping
Rating: TBD
Open/Closed: Openish - I'm sure they could run into someone if anybody else wants in!

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[Dec. 5th, 2009|03:25 pm]


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Who: Nikolas Vaisey and Lucy Elkins
When: Saturday, two o'clock
Where: Hogsmeade, Dervish and Banges
What: Just a friendly meeting
Rating: TBD
Open/Closed: Openish - I'm sure they could run into someone if anybody else wants in!

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