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Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

    Time Event
    First post: Rules
    I created this community so that I, and others if they wish, might post abandoned WIPs - stories we're absolutely, positively sure we're never going to touch again - both for people to read and enjoy and criticize, and for any adventurous souls who wish to take a stab at completing the stories to feel free to have at it.

    THE RULES: The stuff posted here is for anyone to comment on, criticize, squee over, take apart for writerly analysis, turn into a kind of round robin, rewrite, fill in missing scenes, or complete. You can even steal bits you like for your own fic. If you wish to write the missing scenes for these fics, or swipe stuff to put into your own stories, please post them or link them here. I want to give credit where it's due, both to the original author and to the subsequent authors, without confusion. What that means is if you decide to share your writing here, whether a WIP you've abandoned or a chapter you've written to fill in someone else's WIP, you are consenting to allow comment of all kinds, including criticism. Just so's ya know. Please use ij cuts for long comments or fic.

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