Window Dressing: A PB Icon Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Window Dressing: A PB Icon Community

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affiliates [
posted on the 19th of October @ 9:24pm


Want to affiliate? Post here.

list of affiliates )

posted on the 24th of September @ 6:27pm


A few updates:

I'm going to be changing the way I tag things around here so that entries are better organised and easier to find. That said, I've decided to make all of the entries members only - all subsequent icon posts will remain open for one week before being locked. Membership, however, will remain open.

I know I haven't updated in forever, but a whole bunch of posts should be up over the next couple of weeks. I'd also like some suggestions and requests - remember to link me to picture sources, if possible.



full directory [
posted on the 20th of February @ 4:00pm


all icons )

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