Window Dressing: A PB Icon Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Window Dressing: A PB Icon Community

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hello [
posted on the 11th of June @ 7:40pm


I'm sorry for being absent for... oh, a few years?

I will be updating this icon blog very soon, as I've just got back into the swing of things. Couple of days, watch this space.

posted on the 23rd of July @ 7:04pm


I am still alive.

My computer had to be sent of for repairs recently, and on top of moving house after getting a job in London, and studying for my thesis, I've sort of been of the not-present recently. But I will post soon, this comm is not, and will not be, dead.

Love and cupcakes,


requests/suggestions [
posted on the 9th of April @ 4:50pm


+ chloe sevigny
+ adam brody
+ patrick fugit
+ emile hirsch
+ ryan donowho

Please send any requests/suggestions my way by commenting in this post. Bear in mind that yes, I do have an actual life, and I might not be able to fill out all requests in lightning speed. I also reserve the right to turn down any requests.

icon directory [
posted on the 9th of April @ 4:46pm


females )

posted on the 9th of April @ 2:55pm


If anyone's wondering where my directory went, it's still there - I'm just sorting out new pages and seperating the guys from the gals. Links will be up shortly.

icon directory [
posted on the 9th of April @ 12:55pm


males )

posted on the 5th of December @ 10:38am


[ music | the death set - distressed by late night television ]

I've updated the icon archive and changed a few things - hopefully it's a lot easier to navigate now.

And I have over a hundred members and watchers. ♥ Thanks guys!

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