Mar. 8th, 2009


Dangerous Games [Part 4]

Title: Dangerous Games
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: Fiction Rated: M
Summary: Ganondorf decides to take a new path to power, by stealing the Princess' heart. Ganondorf x Zelda, set before the events of Twilight Princess. Rated for safety, but it won't be graphic.

Author's Notes: I took a few liberties with Twilight Princess and the unknown gap between the time Ganondorf was sent to the Twilight Realm and Twilight Princess!Zelda was born. So basically ignore what Shigeru Miyamoto said concerning TP's placement in the timeline. It would make this an AU.

What kind of magic was this man weaving over her to make her feel this way? )


Dangerous Games [Part 3]

Title: Dangerous Games
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: Fiction Rated: M
Summary: Ganondorf decides to take a new path to power, by stealing the Princess' heart. Ganondorf x Zelda, set before the events of Twilight Princess. Rated for safety, but it won't be graphic.

Author's Notes: I took a few liberties with Twilight Princess and the unknown gap between the time Ganondorf was sent to the Twilight Realm and Twilight Princess!Zelda was born. So basically ignore what Shigeru Miyamoto said concerning TP's placement in the timeline. It would make this an AU.

It felt as though an eternity had come and gone before he finally released her. )

Feb. 22nd, 2009


Dangerous Games [Part 2]

Title: Dangerous Games
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: Fiction Rated: M
Summary: Ganondorf decides to take a new path to power, by stealing the Princess' heart. Ganondorf x Zelda, set before the events of Twilight Princess. Rated for safety, but it won't be graphic.

Author's Notes: I took a few liberties with Twilight Princess and the unknown gap between the time Ganondorf was sent to the Twilight Realm and Twilight Princess!Zelda was born. So basically ignore what Shigeru Miyamoto said concerning TP's placement in the timeline. It would make this an AU.

He kept his back to her, a knowing smirk growing on his lips. He loved being right. )


Dangerous Games [Part 1]

Title: Dangerous Games
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: Fiction Rated: M
Summary: Ganondorf decides to take a new path to power, by stealing the Princess' heart. Ganondorf x Zelda, set before the events of Twilight Princess. Rated for safety, but it won't be graphic.

Author's Notes: I took a few liberties with Twilight Princess and the unknown gap between the time Ganondorf was sent to the Twilight Realm and Twilight Princess!Zelda was born. So basically ignore what Shigeru Miyamoto said concerning TP's placement in the timeline. It would make this an AU.

The stranger stopped and turned to her, his eyes were dark and it took an indeterminable amount of valor to keep from shrinking back from him. )

Oct. 11th, 2008


Which We Cannot Escape, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Ganondorf/Zelda)

Title: Which We Cannot Escape
Author/Artist: [info]sheikah
Prompt: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Ganondorf/Zelda: Prisoner - "It's not as bad as all that is it, Princess?"
Rating: G (PG at the most)
Warnings: None really.
Word count: 860
Summary: There are some fates which we cannot escape
A/N: Ganondorf was way to much fun to write.

Could you imagine how powerful we would be if we were to align ourselves? If you were to become my queen? )

Jul. 25th, 2008


Homecoming, Twilight Princess (Link/Hena)

Title: Homecoming
Author/Artist: [info]sheikah
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word count: 603
Summary: If she was what he was coming home to, he would always look forward to coming home.
A/N: This was due yesterday. My apologies for the lateness and all around crappiness.

Homecoming )

May. 13th, 2008


Title: Homecoming
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Rating: G
Pairing: implied Link/Hena
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Just borrowing, not mine
Word Count: 100
AN: For the prompt 'Famous'

The Hero's heart simply could not be captured )


50drabbles table

new 50drabbles table )

Mar. 27th, 2008


Title: First
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Rating: G
Pairing: implied Link/Hena
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Just borrowing, not mine
Word Count: 100
AN: For the prompt 'First Glance'

He came into the fishing hole rather abruptly and tested his bobber fishing hook in the waters close by the dock )


50 drabbles table

Table for [info]50drabbles. My claim: Hena from Twilight Princess.

50drabbles table )