Wiccan Journies' Journal
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in Wiccan Journies' InsaneJournal:

    Friday, September 23rd, 2011
    6:43 pm
    Happy Mabon Everyone.
    Well today is the day of Thanksgving for us. A time to thank The Great Lady and The Great Lord. Thanks them for what you have not for what you wish you had. Today I am thankful for my family. My amazing boyfriend. My friends reminiscent of high school and the food I have that not all people do. Today is truly the day to give thanks. What are you thankful for today? Blessed Be everyone.
    Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
    5:40 pm
    My new Best friend
    So today in my Nature in Writing and Culture course we were told to exchange our journal entries about a tree to try to show that everyone perceives things differently. I switched with a girl named Audrea we surprisingly had the same look at it. Spiritual, full of wisdom and advice. Like that oh so lovable willow tree in Pocahontas so after we talked awhile about the fact that we had such similar views we asked about each others actual spiritual background. She is a devote christian while I am a wiccan. I figured there would be an " I can't be friends with you." Or the classic lets try to convert her but instead I got. "That"s awesome I've always wondered about it not to convert or anything but just interested with a religion that alot of christian traditions come from. I almost said"Really" I have never heard someone who is so into God and all he stands for admit that some of the traditions they have came from a religion most of them hate. Well we talked some more and I explained the way I look at. She loved the fact that it's a very express yourself religion. We ate lunch which is the first time I didn't eat alone because of the stay away from the freak attitude most of my classmates held. My first friend despite being christian has turned out to be my best friend and I'm gloating to my grandmother as much as possible without annoying her.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: They Say- Scars on Broadway
    Friday, September 16th, 2011
    9:40 pm
    Major Prayer needed
    Here's the count, My Uncle Mark went to the hospital with Necrotizing Faciatis(flesh eating disease) about a month ago. A couple days ago my Great grandmother was put in the hospital with a severe heart problem. Now my Dad was put in the hospital for internal bleeding from his ulcers. I have faith that the Lady and Lord have a purpose but both my Grandmother who I live with and me are put under great stress. Also Prayers for Fellinara's family. On another hopefully happy note I'm getting married. Of course I've kinda had my wedding in mind since I was 3. So planning has already begun.
    5:46 pm
    My Personal Journey
    I came to Wicca at a young age. My cousin had married (then divorced a year or so later) a woman who was a Wiccan and she was remained closed to our family. I had begun asking some questions after seeing her home and some of her ritual items so she agreed to teach me (with my mom's permission since I was a minor at the time). When I entered my first Circle, it was like coming home. I have never felt more comfortable than I did in the presence of the God and Goddess. The Lady who taught me eventually moved away but I continued to correspond with her and she guided me along my solitary path. I studied Wiccan tradition as a solitary for many years until my adulthood. Now I'm married and I have a child of my own. Due to recent events in our lives I've put teaching on hold but I think I may begin an online lecture series on Wicca through "go to meeting" or a similar forum. I recently attended something like it on Shamanism and it seemed to work very well.

    I do follow the Lord and Lady but when working magick I will often call upon a specific God or Goddess as they are that particular aspect of the Lord or Lady, just given a name.

    I would like to elaborate a little further but I have a class (not related to Wicca) that I will be teaching in just a few minutes so I've got to run for now.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Tuesday, September 13th, 2011
    4:32 pm
    Keeping a Karmatic mind
    I think that I earned some major karma points today. Today on facebook a girl said that her mom was being rushed to the hospital, a couple people asked what was wrong and she blew up saying "What do you think is wrong shes going to F****** hospital" Well a couple comments later someone said I hope shes okay. I said "I hope shes okay too" what I got was a slap in the face. " Your ugly and annoying you suck at drawing and deserve to go jump off a building" Well being quite eloquent I thought of an elaborate insult in my head one that would shock my mother into a six foot grave but thinking better of it because of the morals taught to be not only by the studying of my own path of witchcraft but my upbringing in the christian community when I was younger. So instead I said "well thanks for that, but I still hope shes okay." she responded " Ugggghhhhh I'm so glad you graduated and I don't have to deal with you and more." Well Andrea I'm also glad I don't have to deal with you anymore. I should surround myself with people who don't make me wanna break my rules. I may not have made tons of friends so far in college but I have plenty from high school and I don't need you Andrea. I'll still be doing my equivalent of praying for your mom. I will also be praying for my great grandmother. And Felinera(don't mind if I spelled it wrong) I will be praying for your Dad and Mom.
    3:48 pm
    Intro post
    Hi. I'm a 37 year old ordained High Priestess of Wicca who is also a full-time college student and a mom. I've been happily married for 5 years now and our daughter will be 4 years old in October.

    We are currently undergoing many changes in our lives right now. 2 years ago we began buying a house from some friends of ours in a lease to own situation and it was going very well. Well, over a year ago now, (it'll be 2 years in Feb 2012) my father-in-law was injured at home painting. He was forced into an early retirement, had to fight with his health insurance provider for the surgery that 7 doctors concurred that he needed, blah blah. It was a nightmare for my in-laws. My mother-in-law is out of work as well and he was forced into an early retirement. His health care insurance takes nearly all of his retirement money so he lives on Social Security and he isn't 65 yet so he doesn't even get those full benefits. background of my issue )

    Current Mood: busy
    Monday, September 12th, 2011
    4:02 pm
    Wiccan student
    As a student there are many problems to face everyday. When asked to write a paper about yourself and you include that you are wiccan. Loads of questions emerge, What is it? How does it work? Can anyone be a witch. But trying to explain being wiccan and a witch is hard. One I believe that wicca is a very personal religion. You can believe what you want. No one seems to understand a free religion. There isn't one way of looking at the gods and goddesses. Everyone is entitled to there opinion and there beliefs. Try explaining that in a place of academia.
    Sunday, September 11th, 2011
    9:52 am
    Being your self
    So far I haven't exactly posted the most but considering I have my first member I'll start writing again. I moved in with my grandmother about two months ago and I came out to my family about me being wiccan. When I started school my grandmother said to me, you'll make more friends if you don't tell anyone your wiccan till later. That was very hard for me to hear considering being wiccan is who I am. Well she was right so far I haven't made any friends in fact during lunch rather than sit alone I webcam with my boyfriend Ray. It may be dismal and very sad but, if no one will be friends with me because I'm wiccan then I don't want them to sit with me anyway. I have friends that would do anything for me and I have a boyfriend that would give the world to me if he could. Be happy with who you are and stay true to that person. Any friends you make while not beong you doesn't like you for who you really are.
    Monday, May 16th, 2011
    8:51 am
    Your personal Journey
    Remember the way most people look at wicca. It's a very personal religion. There are many types of wiccan magic and beliefs. There are many ways pantheons can be set up. Or not at all for that matter. Mine personally is a triquetra symbol that represents for me a kind of cross. I have worn it everyday. At first It represented to me my three gods and my three goddesses but instead I made it to represent the elements. Now I go for the lady and lord method and only focus in certain situations.( i.e. Love spell- Aphrodite,Eros.) What do you guys do????
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