The Whedonverse Embassy

News, announcements and networking for the Whedon fandoms

1/1/08 06:59 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Crossover challenge community

[info]twistedshorts has opened up here at IJ for short fics -- 300 to 3000 words of gen, het, slash, femslash all welcome.

11/1/07 03:18 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - New asylum for new Joss project

[info]dollhouse has been opened for discussion and posts on the upcoming show.

Also [info]browncoats has opened for Firefly discussion.

9/7/07 09:02 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - New Firefly and Werewolf asylum

[info]shiny_hats is a Firefly community for Mal/Jayne shippers. Fic, art, vids, recs and caps are all welcome and there will be monthly and weekly challenges.

[info]werewolf_love, a multi-fandom community for people who want to write about or create art of werewolf characters. Harry Potter, Supernatural, the Underworld movies, The Howling, New Moon and Eclipse, Moon Called...if it has werewolves, we want to see it!

8/27/07 12:36 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Crossover community

[info]slayers_hunters has been started for fan fiction, fanart and graphics focusing on Supernatural/Buffyverse crossovers.

8/20/07 02:47 pm - [info]theantijoss - 'Allo, 'allo, Whedonverse folks!

I've been meaning to do this post for weeks now! Thanks to [info]yourlibrarian for doing this.

I was also theantijoss over at The Other Place. I've moved my primary base of operations here, and that includes all activity in my communities as well as a couple of new ones!

* [info]ducksfanfic: For posting my own fic and news/updates for the Ducks' Fanfic website.
* [info]thinking_dork: For my icons/graphics
* [info]angel_yay: A community for all things Angel (the character) related. I'm hoping to do a ficathon/fic celebration later this year.
* [info]ba_ship: Community for Buffy/Angel relationship focused fic/art/icons/meta. There'll be a weekly prompt for those who are interested and looking for some inspiration.

Glad to see so many familiar faces over here!

8/19/07 03:48 am - [info]darkhavens - IJ Bloodclaim open for business

[info]bloodclaim is now open for business at IJ. The same rules apply here as at LJ and are available on the userinfo. Please read before posting, but anything in the Spike/Xander genre is welcome, with appropriate headers, and with lj-cuts used as and when appropriate.

I am also accepting affiliates in the whedonverse fandom so... comment here if you want to affiliate your comm with mine. :D

Thanks! And Hi! it's good to be here. *waves*

8/18/07 07:47 pm - [info]red_sunflower - [info]jm_squares is open for business

I have created a new asylum [info]jm_squares is a James Marsters graphics community where you can post all your James fanart, I hope you all join and participate.

8/18/07 07:08 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Fic asylums

There are a variety of multifandom fic and icon communities popping up, such as [info]tv_100 and [info]rarecharacters. Some Whedon ones:

[info]ats_btvs_fanfic a community for fanfiction based on either Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel, accepting fanfiction focusing on all pairings, characters and ratings.

[info]five_by_five A Faith Lehane community for discussion, fanfic, fanart & graphics.

8/17/07 11:01 am - [info]yourlibrarian - New community and feed

A syn feed as has been set up for the seasonal Spander lj community [info]fall_for_sx_lj (sign-ups are also now open).

There's a new meta community here on ij, [info]mind_over_meta open to all analysis, reviews, humor, etc. (Multifandom)

8/12/07 11:27 am - [info]yourlibrarian - New syn feed and community

Just a reminder to those who may not have seen it, [info]marsters_ij is up for photo and icon posts of James Marsters. Also, I started the [info]petzi_ljfeed syn feed for the daily rec posts done by petzipellepingo on LJ.
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