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[26 May @ 5:09pm]

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so dead lately. I just started working again (haven't worked in....6 years at least.) and it's kicking my ass. So, I am still around. As is the other mod. We're still here with our kiddos. We're still open, I promise. Things will pick back up now that I am on week 3 of working!

[21 May @ 10:51am]

Those of you who have been active, thank you. Removals will be next Sunday night. So if you have not been active you have another shot. You can't just be active on aim, you MUST be active on the journals as well.


adds 5/1 -- next adds 5/4/17 [01 May @ 10:04pm]

Adds have been done for the night. Please head over to the members area and run the friends button with all of your characters if you have more than one. A manual AIM list and the taken lists will be updated tomorrow afternoon.

adds 4/22 -- next adds 5.3.17 [29 April @ 5:58pm]

Adds have been done for the night. Please head over to the members area and run the friends button with all of your characters if you have more than one.

Taken lists will be updated tomorrow and hopefully we will have a manual aim list as well as a taken credits list.

adds 4/22 -- next adds 4/26/17 [22 April @ 9:28pm]

Made a mistake with a journal last adds so please add [info]larkmar or head to the members area> and re-run the button! Thanks!

adds; 4/16/17 -- next adds 4/19/17 [17 April @ 12:29am]

Adds have been done for the night (delayed from 4/16). Please head over to the members area and run the friends button with all of your characters if you have more than one. A manual AIM list and the taken lists will be updated tomorrow afternoon.

adds; 4/12/17 [12 April @ 6:09pm]

Please head over to the members area and run the friends button as adds have been done for the night. Taken list will be updated later on and as soon as I can figure out how to do an aim list with the new aim I will do so, for now you will have to go to taken list and c/p them into your buddy list.

[10 April @ 7:21pm]

Adds for the night have been done. Please head to the members area and run the add button.

adds; 4/8/17 [08 April @ 9:36pm]

Adds have been done for the night. Please head over to the members area and run the add all button with all of your characters. If you got in with our first round of adds, please post in IC intro into your journal by the end of Monday night and start answering others intros.


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